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Вы тут: Руководство » Plugins » SendEmailPlugin


Allows to send e-mails through an e-mail form.


  • Create a HTML form using RawHTMLBlock that invokes the {sendemail} action
  • Add a “to” and “message” field and a submit button
  • Make sure to fill in allowed ‘to’ addresses in plugin settings

HTML form

Form action

You should use {sendemail} macro as form action, it will be expanded as:

  • /profile/<identifier>/plugin/send_email/deliver in profile context
  • /plugin/send_email/deliver in environment context

‘Subject’ field

Subject of message.

(default: ‘New mail’)

‘Message’ field

Body of message.


‘To’ field

Target address. Accepts multiple addresses separated by comma.


extra fields

Each other params in HTML form will compose message body in a format “key: value”


<form action='{sendemail}' method='post'>
   To: <input type='text' name='to'/>
   Subject: <input type='text' name='subject'/>
   Message: <input type='text' name='message'/>
   <input type='submit'/>


Using ajax

Ajax is supported using #ajax-form as id of HTML form.


<form action='{sendemail}' id='ajax-form'>
   To: <input type='text' name='to'/>
   Subject: <input type='text' name='subject'/>
   Message: <input type='text' name='message'/>
   <input type='submit'/>


This plugin was inspired by Foswiki SendEmailPlugin