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How To Tackle Scary Nail Trimming Situations for Various Dog Breeds

18 de Fevereiro de 2021, 7:45 , por izone - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Are you a dog owner? Or do you have a hobby to adopt canines of various breeds? Then you might have faced the various situations and the kinds of behavior of your dogs, when you are about to trim their nails.

Nail trimming can be very scary. However, it is one of the essential parts of your dog grooming. One cannot skip this part as it is crucial for the health of your dog.

Since unchecked nails can affect your dog’s pose and movement. Long nails can put force on their paw pads. At the same time, if you semi-trim the nails - it can end up curling, cracking, or even might be infected. This can cause severe injury and pain in the dogs.

In this blog, we have tried to sum up all the possible ways to make your dog feel comfortable when you are about to trim their nails. These five ways will make sure that your dog does not feel scared during their trimming days.

Let us just hit it straight!

# Step 1: Try to make your dog to get comfortable

To begin with, it is important to get your dog to feel comfortable. In case your dog is not used to anyone touching their paws and nails, well, then you have to struggle, no matter what dog breed article you read to try to calm them. Getting their nails trimmed at the same time is important and you cannot avoid it.

So to pull yourself out from the situation you have to take the baby steps. The cuddling furbaby requires a lot of encouragement and assurance, and treats are a must.

How to make your furbaby calm:

  • Hold their paws. If you get the green signal, then advance slowly.
  • Touch between the toes and their nails, at the top and the bottom
  • Be gentle when you move around their toes. (Do not make them feel that handling paws is very terrible or it might be painful for them.)
  • As soon as they start feeling comfortable start trimming the nails.

# Step 2: Treat your dog

You need to fetch a lot of treats from the market to make this nail trimming process a lot easier. You need to reward your dog for their good behavior. You have to be careful while treating your fur-baby.

It is a normal instance to a dog owner, however, it is also easier to take to bribing and various diversions like treats when you try to get things done very quickly.

Do not give your dog the treats as soon as they move their paw, or they are struggling with you while you trim their nails. Do reward your canine when they keep calm while you handle their paws and nails. This will make them sense that you are rewarding them for their good behavior.

Here are some healthy dog treat options which you can try to rewards your furry buddy:


#Step 3: Choose the best article or grooming tools

It is important as a dog owner to experiment with the various types of grooming tools when you want to trim their nails.

There are breeds that do not like the “snap” sounds of the nail clippers. It is terrifying for them. For them, it is better to choose a grinder for painless trimming. However, there are some dog breeds that cannot tolerate the vibration of the grinder. They feel comfortable cutting their nails with a clipper.

No matter whichever deceiving style your furry buddy prefers, you have to make up on the aim. Do you want to shorten their nails? Do you want to teach them to feel comfortable or you want them to do both?

Decide which path you’d like to take and carry on with it in the future. Remain gentle and keep encouraging your fur baby.

#Step 4: Take the process slow

If you are trimming your dog’s nails, it is important to take things slowly. Get to initiate trust between your dog and the owner (you). As soon as you achieve it, continue trimming the nails of the dogs in a small amount.

There are times when you might cut a nail fiercely and end up making a blunder. However, that does not happen often. So be gentle during the nail trimming session, no matter whether you feel hesitant or not. You should not panic in any situation.

If you cannot trim the nails at one shot or trim it to the length you require it to trim, do not force it on them. End your session and come back another day.

Trim the next time since this will also make your canine friend get accustomed to it slowly. Make sure you do not lose patience with your fur-baby, no matter how impatient they are at nail trimming sessions. Read here the easy three ways to be patient with your dog.

#Step 5: Look for professional help

In case you are unable to trim the nails of your dog, then seek professional help.

There are a number of professional groomers in the market, who can deal with any size of the breed. Search for a groomer with whom you feel comfortable and can let them take care of your dog.

Let the groomers know everything about your dog. Their behavior, their issues whether they get terrified while trimming or not. They will plan a time and will help fight your dog’s fear while trimming their nails.

You can also take help from dog trainers. They help to boost faith in your canine and even train them. Since nail trimming is not an easy job, so seek professional help as required.

Wrapping Up

Trimming nails is one of the most important parts of canine grooming. If you worry and stress it will adversely affect your dog and will worsen the situation.

It is not hard for you to find out why they are scared of trimming. Take and give time to your canine friend to build trust and develop the bond before you trim their nails.

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