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January 12, 2009 22:00 , von Unbekannt - | Es folgt noch niemand diesem Artikel.

5 Great Ideas On Renewing Your Shirt


You get bored by wearing the same old shirt every time? You wanna create something extraordinary out of it? Then you’re in the right place because in this article I will give you 6 excellent ideas on how to renew your old shirt. In addition, it’s highly recommended to use the best sewing machine for beginners to start your work.



1. Geometric Design:

The first thing you should know about geometric design is that there is no sewing needed in this restyling progress, you just have to gain a clear understanding of cutting. However, if your cutting skill is not at a pro-level, I suggest you get stencils from the market or sewing shop and just feel free to pick your favorite. So here is my guidance:
1. Take a plain shirt and place the stencil at the back of it.
2. Use fabric chalk to trace the pattern.
3. Remove the stencil after 5 mins.
4. Cut the whole design on the shirt.
Now your shirt has a completely new look and is ready to be worn.


2. Heart Pattern:

This is something so easy and you can enjoy making it even if you aren’t in the mood to sew anything. Take any pattern of heart shape that you like or you can buy a stencil from the market for tracing purposes. The next thing you need to do is to draw a heart on the t-shirt by using chalk or marker. Then, draw the heart into two sections and leave a strong line in the middle. Now with the help of blades or rotary cutters, start cutting the strips of the heart in the t-shirt without separating them from the garment. After that, cut out the whole shape in the t-shirt.


3. Adding Accessories:

I really couldn’t stand boring collars of my shirts because they made me feel like I was in some corporate meetings when putting them on. Luckily, I found out a solution - I used my jewelry to recreate the neck of the shirts. Most of my friends thought that I’d bought them from some pretty shops with an expensive price as they look so elegant.

In this renewal, you need to sew by the best basic sewing machine. Now take any of your chokers with long beads and keep them separately. Then, cut the neck from the middle and connect each bead with the upper and lower part of the neck to reconnect it.



4. The line of Bows:

This is one of the coolest and also my favorite style when it comes to renewing clothes. You gotta know it’s an ideal shirt for girls who love bows so it’s totally a girly thing. Now take a plain white t-shirt and cut a wide strap from the back. Now take some printed piece of garment and cut it to the bow shape. Sew a bow first and then attach those bows on the shirt. Remember that bows must act as a bridge connecting shirts from one corner to another.


5. Flattering design:

Flattering design is always trendy and you can even see these shirts on sale at many different stores. But who needs to pay for them when you can create one on your own? With the best sewing machine, you can make it with far less effort.
1 - Cut the V-neck deeply.
2 - Get some straps of the same shirts.
3 - Add the straps into the V-neck like a ladder.
Here goes your new beautiful shirt!!!



I hope these above-mentioned renewal tips will help you in motivating yourself to create more amazing pieces. Additionally, be sure to check out Top Picks Of Best Sewing Machine For Beginners You Should Buy if you are looking for the right kind of advice.


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Julie Owen

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