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января 12, 2009 22:00 , by Unknown - | No one following this article yet.

If You Want To Tread Water Effortlessly For Long Time - Learn The Secret

мая 4, 2021 6:41, by Moshe - 0no comments yet

Water is something we all love and scare at the same time. Walking on it is easy for people who learn the art of tread. And it may seem difficult to those who do not learn it. It is essential to learn the trading water first, then moving towards swimming. However, sometimes, we may learn the techniques in the wrong way because of a lack of knowledge on it and due to lack of expert guidance. The energy it takes to learn and stay on the floating water is extensive. There is an efficient way to learn it. It is not hard as we may think it is, rather we must start learning it in a small water pool. 



Treading Water –

It is nothing but moving our limbs for the purpose to stay on the water for a long time. It is one of the basic skills to be learned to get swimming correctly. It is easy is used in some aquatic games (e.g., water polo). It is not necessary to be the greatest swimmer to learn the art of treading but we can build our stamina and can increase our body’s strength. There are two methods of learning it.

Method-1: Basic Techniques

This method shows some basic skills and initial steps to be followed while learning to tread. Following are the basic techniques.

  • Using both legs and arms while practicing.
  • Keeping head upwards and normal breathing.
  • Moving arms in the horizontal position.
  • Circular moving of legs or else moving legs back and forth.
  • Laying down on the back and peddling arms gently.
  • Holding any stop or location of the flotation while you are in a trouble.

Method-2: Tread Learning Techniques

This method shows the treading techniques to learn uniquely and fast. Following are the treading techniques.

  • Doing dog-paddling is one of the easiest techniques.
  • Trying the kick flutter to how to tread in water while our arms are balanced and also keeping arms in an outstretched manner.
  • Doing and practicing the frog kick to bring the feet on sides and moving back again. This is also known as whip kick.
  • Starting together and moving on sides and again back in the same position.
  • Sculling allows this treading technique with hands. Hands to be outstretched and submerged completely.
  • The rotary kick allows to move foot in both directions (clockwise and counter-clockwise).
  • The helicopter position allows moving hands in a circular manner.
  • Moving feet upwards and downwards.

The above were the two methods and some basic techniques on how to tread water for a long time. The process of learning is easy. However, we need to have that zeal to learn it and practice. Treading helps in learning the art of swimming very fast. It is one of the basic guides to learn swimming easily and efficiently. All these techniques can be learned by self, but while beginning, expert guidance will be better as they have experience in training many people. They will make the process easy and quick. Learning will be made easy while training under them.