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Ruby compiled with Clang is 8% faster than with GCC 4.9 and 44% faster than with GCC 4.7.2!

December 12, 2014 10:01 , von Bráulio Bhavamitra - 0no comments yet | Es folgt noch niemand diesem Artikel.
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Lately, I've done a number of optimizations on the Ruby on Rails server I manage:

  • Set Ruby's GC parameters to run GC less frequently (~50% boost)
  • Using jemalloc as the memory allocator (~20% boost)
  • Using gctools gem for out-of-band GC run (~50% less time in GC during requests)
  • And some gems to monkey patch slow methods: fast_blank (~5% boost). I've also tried escape_utils but it didn't help.

After reading many positive benchmarks on Phoronix I decided to use the new promising compiler, Clang. First I did some tests on my Ubuntu 14.10, which ships with GCC 4.9. Clang 3.5 made ruby 2.1.5 8% faster! But when compared to the Debian Wheezy's GCC version (4.7.2), ruby 2.1.5 became 44% faster! Another interesting boost :) Finally we have a very interesting alternative for GCC.

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