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Why desert safari Dubai is famous than other?

3 de Março de 2022, 10:28, por desert safari - 0sem comentários ainda

Desert safari is one of the famous tourist spots all around the world. It is located in different parts of the world with other names. Some people know it as a Safari, while some refer to it as a desert tour. All in all, it is a fantastic experience that you should try at least once in your life! Whether you’re visiting Dubai or any other Emirates, desert safari should be on your list of things to do!   There are many reasons why desert safari Dubai has become so popular.

Why desert safari Dubai is famous?

One of the main reasons Best Desert Safari Dubai has become so popular in Dubai is its stunning scenery. As you ride through the desert, you will be surrounded by beautiful dunes and desert landscapes.

Another big draw for desert safari is the opportunity to try a range of different activities. Whether you want to ride a camel, go sandboarding, or relax in the desert sun, there’s something for everyone. And, of course, no desert safari is complete without a delicious dinner under the stars!

Quad Biking:

Dubai is known for its quad biking trails, and desert safari is the perfect opportunity to try it out. Quad biking is a great way to explore the desert, and it’s a lot of fun too! In quad biking, you will be riding a four-wheeled vehicle specially designed for desert terrain.

Camel Ride and Falcon Demonstration:

If you want to experience a desert safari more traditionally, why not try a camel ride? Camels are well-adapted to desert conditions, and they offer a very different experience to quad biking. Camel rides are a great way to see the desert up close, and they’re also a lot of fun!

One of the unique aspects of desert safari is the opportunity to see a falcon demonstration. Falcons are very important in desert culture, and it’s an excellent opportunity to learn more about them. During the demonstration, you will see how falcons are used for hunting and learn about their history and culture.

Dune bashing:

For those who want an adrenaline rush, desert safari offers the chance to go dune bashing. Dune bashing is a thrilling experience that will have you bouncing up and down the dunes. It’s a great way to get a taste of the desert and experience its unique landscape.

Sand Boarding:

If you’re looking for an adrenaline rush, sandboarding is the perfect activity for you! Sandboarding is just like snowboarding, but instead of snow, you’ll be riding on sand. It’s a great way to explore the desert, and it’s a lot of fun too!

BBQ Arabian Buffet:

No desert safari is complete without a delicious BBQ dinner! The Arabian buffet offers a range of traditional dishes perfect for satisfying your hunger. And, of course, you can’t finish your desert safari without a cup of traditional Arabic coffee!

Belly Dance performance:

One of the highlights of desert safari is the belly dance performance. This vibrant and energetic performance will have you captivated from start to finish.

Henna Painting:

Henna painting is a popular tradition in many Arab countries, and desert safari is the perfect opportunity to experience it. Henna artists can paint henna designs on your hands or feet, and the results are always stunning.

Dinner Under the Stars:

One of the best things about desert safari is the beautiful desert sunset. What better way to enjoy it than with a delicious dinner under the stars? At most desert safari camps, you will be able to enjoy a traditional Emirati meal. It’s an excellent opportunity to try some of the local cuisines, and it’s an experience you will never forget!

Safety tips for desert safari Dubai?

Desert safari is a great way to explore the desert, but it’s important to remember that it can be dangerous. Here are a few safety tips to keep in mind:

  • Make sure you drink plenty of water, especially during the summer months.
  • Be careful when driving in the desert – it can be easy to lose your way.
  • Remember to follow all the guidelines and instructions of your tour operatores.
  • Don’t wander off on your own – the desert can be a dangerous place.

You can enjoy a desert safari without worrying about anything with these safety tips in mind. So, what are you waiting for? Book your desert safari today!

Things to remember at the time booking desert safari Dubai?

If you’re looking to experience a desert safari, there are a few things you need to know. Firstly, you need to decide which desert safari camp you want to go to. There are several camps in Dubai, so you’re sure to find one that’s perfect for you.

Once you’ve chosen a camp, it’s time to book your desert safari. This can be done online or by phone, and it’s best to book in advance to avoid disappointment.

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So, if you’re looking for an adventure, a desert safari is the perfect option! There’s something for everyone, so whether you’re a thrill-seeker or a nature lover, you won’t be disappointed. Dubai is home to some of the best desert safaris in the world, so don’t miss out!

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Top Dubai Desert Activities To Experience

1 de Março de 2022, 10:13, por desert safari - 0sem comentários ainda

The desert is one of the most unfamiliar natural areas for Dubai. So, a vacation in the desert can be unusual and memorable entertainment.


To visit Dubai, we have compiled a guide to exciting activities in the desert that you should experience for yourself. ATV racing, hot air ballooning, falconry, and even a night in the sand under the stars.


Experience a little taste of life in the desert:


Safari is one of the most popular activities in the desert. You can go on such a journey with an experienced driver or drive yourself. Your SUV will cut through the dunes, rush along the edges of cliffs, climb steep slopes, and again rapidly descend the dune. During the tour, several stops are provided, including at the territory of the Bedouin camp. 

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Quad biking:


Take a taxi to get to Dubai's most famous Big Red Dune. It is here that you can rent an ATV and a helmet and drive around the sandy sea, conquering one dune after another and filling yourself and other riders with sand. 


You can immediately try riding a motorcycle on the dunes for lovers of extreme sports, but be careful; this activity requires skill and preparation. As the locals call it, Dune Big Red, or Al-Hamar, is visible from the Dubai-Hatta highway (E44). Ask a taxi driver to wait for you or rent a car for the day. 




This is entertainment for real thrill-seekers. Sandboarding is riding on dunes on a board that resembles a snowboard. A lot of new impressions and sand in your mouth are guaranteed. You can drive to the Big Red dune on your own and rent a sandboard there, but many companies in Dubai offer special tour packages. 


These offers are all-day tours and include a desert safari on a Hummer and a sandboarding session that teaches you how to glide smoothly down the sandy slopes.




If you are not a fan of extreme sports and do not like the creaking of sand on your teeth, do not be discouraged - there will also be entertainment in the desert for you. For example, you are flying in a hot air balloon. 


The desert impresses with its scale on the ground, but it is even more impressive from a bird's eye view. Endless sands, dunes of the Dubai National Desert Reserve, illuminated by the first rays of the sun (all flights take place at dawn), will not leave you indifferent and make you feel like a hero of an oriental fairy tale.


Camel tour: 


This traditionally Arabian adventure is hard to resist: crossing the dunes, imagining oneself as the hero of a fairy tale of a thousand and one nights, is interesting not only for tourists but even for residents. 


Camel tours offer a 40-minute journey accompanied by an interesting educational lecture and camel milk tasting, and the opportunity to take many photos of the desert and camels. 


Night in the desert:


Suppose you are comfortable and do not want to part with it even in the desert. In that case, the spa resort in the Dubai Sands Reserve will offer you luxurious camping accommodation in tented villas with a private infinity pool. 


Don't miss the opportunity to take a camel ride through the dunes at sunset - epic views guaranteed! If you book a villa with a picture of the natural oases, then in the morning, you will have the opportunity to watch the watering of gazelles and white oryxes.


Sleep under Arabian stars:


Get in your car and hit the road just before sunset to head into the desert. For an unforgettable experience, book a big stroller as the blazing sun meets the orange sand on the horizon. After ample photo opportunities, return to the camp by camel and then get ready to practice belly dancing with emirate instructors. 


Treat yourself to an open bar unless it's Ramadan and henna. Once you've finished your BBQ dinner, settle in for a night of stargazing and storytelling from expert guides.


Uncover the desert ecosystem:


Discover a different side of the desert on this nature safari. Aboard a 4×4, you will navigate through the desert. Here you will discover the unique flora and fauna that thrive in this harsh climate. Keep binoculars to spot wildlife. 


After the tour, relax with a traditional breakfast among the dunes, and then pack your bags and head back to your hotel, where you will have plenty of time to explore the big city.


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For those who are not big fans of overnight camping but want to experience life in the desert, an evening safari allows guests to enjoy a few hours under the Arabian moon and then take them back to the city. 


With service right from your hotel's door, travel to a luxury camp in a Toyota Land Cruiser and then transfer to a buggy for some dune bashing. Soak up the party atmosphere with henna tattoos and live performances, and then enjoy desert dinners of fried shrimp, apricot stew, lamb, and fresh salads.


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Explore the sunrise desert safari Dubai:

26 de Fevereiro de 2022, 10:07, por desert safari - 0sem comentários ainda

If you're looking for an extraordinary experience to enjoy while in Dubai, a sunrise desert safari is something not to be missed! This unique adventure will take you deep into the Arabian Desert.

You can marvel at the incredible surroundings while experiencing traditional activities and camel rides. Plus, you'll get to witness a breathtaking sunrise – something that's sure to leave lasting memories. So, if you're looking for an unforgettable outing during your time in Dubai, be sure to check out this fantastic safari tour!

What is a sunrise desert safari Dubai and what can you expect?

You need to know about a sunrise desert safari in Dubai is what activities and adventures this tour will lead you through. So, as soon as you arrive in the desert, you'll start with camel rides. Afterwards, it will be time to gear up and try some typical activities made famous by the Bedouins. This is something you'll definitely enjoy!

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After these activities, it's time to try more adventurous things, such as sandboarding and quad biking. This is where the fun truly begins! Plus, it wouldn't be a desert safari in Dubai if you didn't get to try some traditional food and drink, right?

Therefore, once the sun rises above the horizon, you'll head on over to a Bedouin tent where you can enjoy a delicious breakfast. Plus, while enjoying this meal, you'll get the chance to admire the stunning sunrise from a privileged position – something you won't forget anytime soon! To top it all off, you'll also get to play and practice some more traditional activities during your time here.

So, summing everything up, a sunrise desert safari Dubai is an incredible outing that will bring you deep into the Arabian Desert, where you'll be able to experience all kinds of activities, including camel rides, sandboarding, quad biking and more. You'll also get the chance to marvel at a spectacular sunrise while enjoying traditional food and drinks.

Who can go on a sunrise desert safari Dubai?

A sunrise desert safari Dubai can be enjoyed by everyone. Of course, the activities that take place here are challenging, and you need to have a certain level of fitness or be accompanied by someone who does to enjoy them. There are no age restrictions so that everyone can go!

How long does a sunrise desert safari Dubai last?

Dubai's sunrise desert safari usually lasts half a day, but this may vary depending on the supplier.

Where can you go on a sunrise desert safari Dubai?

A sunrise desert safari Dubai can be done from most hotels located in Dubai.

Reasons for going to the evening desert safari Dubai:

A sunrise desert safari is a unique adventure that will take you to the Arabian Desert, where you can experience all kinds of traditional activities, including camel rides, quad biking and sandboarding. Plus, you'll get to marvel at a spectacular sunrise while enjoying delicious traditional food and drinks. So, if you're looking for a fun and unique outing, then a sunrise desert safari Dubai is a great choice!

What are the benefits of going on a sunrise desert safari Dubai?

A sunrise desert safari Dubai provides many benefits, such as:

  • You'll enjoy various traditional activities, including camel rides, quad biking and sandboarding.
  • You'll get the chance to marvel at a spectacular sunrise.
  • You'll be able to enjoy delicious traditional food and drinks.
  • It's a day well spent.

So, as you can see, there are many benefits to be reaped when going on a sunrise desert safari Dubai!

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Tips for ensuring that your experience is unforgettable:

  • Wear comfortable clothes and shoes
  • Make sure to bring a lot of sunscreens as well as a hat or cap.
  • Don't forget to bring your camera to take pictures of this eventful outing.
  • Make sure that you're bringing enough water and snacks, as you might get hungry along the way.
  • Ensure that you're bringing some cash, as some of the activities will require payment.


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What makes a desert safari in Dubai an unforgettable experience?

24 de Fevereiro de 2022, 5:27, por desert safari - 0sem comentários ainda

The Dubai desert safari is considered a rich experience in a vast landscape. In the middle of the dunes, you can have exciting activities to do. All these activities make your desert safari experience unforgettable. In this adventurous tour, you can capture several outstanding pictures of the true and natural beauty of the Desert. No one can forget this thrilling night's stay in the cold desert landscape under a blue sky.

The most beautiful features of Arabian night involve adventurous rides, night safari, traditional feast, and Arabian music, which is truly worth visiting at least once in life. In this blog, you will know how to spend a day in the vast Dubai desert.

Morning safari in Dubai

Sunrise in the Desert

In the morning desert safari, one can head the jaw-dropping view of sunrise that is brighter than bright and even look bigger as it is closer to the horizon. Besides, like sunrise, the whole Desert holds the golden beauty which spreads on the sand and gives a photogenic view to capture amazing pictures.

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Dune bashing to explore the Dubai desert

You will also experience your most-awaited, thrilling, and adventurous ride in the morning safari. These include Hummer and 4x4 SUV vehicles, which take you in the midst of the wider Desert through stormy winds and distinctive ways. This part of the safari is considered the most exciting and thrilling activity.

For this purpose, the vehicles will pick you up from your Bedouin camps and put you on the adrenaline-boosting ride, which lasts for 30 minutes. Those who want to enjoy their desert safari ride can avail the option of a Private Hummer Desert Safari. But it involves additional charges.

Wobble Camel safari

A wobble camel ride is also involved in the morning desert safari package. It is about a 45-minute ride. It is pretty fun when you board on the camel, and the wobble ride begins. One should know that camel safari occurs in the form of a caravan, so you can explore the Desert vegetative and wild animals during roaming and can capture fantastic pictures with beautiful birds.

Sand boarding

You can have exciting adventure sport with smooth stretch on dunes. To enjoy sandboarding, you can select the dunes that measure 200 to 300 meters. It is a fantastic experience to feel the sand slipping under your foot when you glide super fast. You should not miss this fun experience in the Dubai desert safari.

Quad Biking – The thrilling Ride

Another fantastic and thrilling activity to do in the morning desert safari is Quad biking. There is nothing good and exciting other than riding quad biking in the vast sandy Desert. It gives you an exhilarating experience that will stick to your mind for the rest of your life.

Roam like a pro around the Desert and explore it. If you also want to have a quad biking ride, you will be amazed to know that it does not require a specific license or experience to try this.

Before trying this, you have to listen to the brief explanation of instructors. There are no hurdles in the sand so that you can enjoy the quad biking experience.  

Hot Air Balloon Safari:

If you want to have something more thrilling and exciting besides these usual activities of the package, you can experience the hot air balloon safari. It provides you a view of 360 degrees over the vast, expanded Dubai desert.

One should know that it can carry about 24 people at once. So you can book your hot balloon safari to make your trip memorable with your friends or family. As it ascends, your adrenaline will rush with it. From here, you can capture stunning Desert and sunset views.

Moreover, it is the plus opportunity to watch desert creatures like camels, deer, and many others.

Evening desert safari in Dubai

Capture Sunset

One can never forget the sunset of the Dubai desert. It is a magnificent and magical experience to have. When the sunset, the orange-red color hue spread over the Desert, and then it pas from the sight behind the dune. It immensely loves scenery. Now rush towards these dunes on Range Rover and capture the candid photos.

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Night activities:

The night spent in the Desert had a remarkable effect on your memory for the rest of your life. These entertaining activities involve dancing on stilts, exotic belly dance, eating fire, enjoying BBQ dinner, and traditional Arabic feast.

Besides, there is an eye-catching tent set up where you can relax and enjoy yourself with your family and friends.

Set up your luxury tent and enjoy exciting moments with your friends and family. Near the tent, spend the night under the stars and experience the desert safari in Dubai with barbecues, bonfires, and festivities.

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How to prepare for overnight desert safari Dubai:

22 de Fevereiro de 2022, 14:42, por desert safari - 0sem comentários ainda

Dubai is known for its ultramodern architecture, luxury hotels, and upscale shopping. However, the city also offers a wealth of activities for outdoors enthusiasts. If you're planning to visit Dubai and are looking for an adventure, consider going on an overnight desert safari Dubai. This unique experience will give you a taste of the Arabian desert landscape and culture. To make the most of your safari, it's essential to prepare ahead of time. Read on for tips on what to bring and how to get ready for your trip into the sand lands!

How to prepare for overnight desert safari Dubai:

Dubai offers visitors a unique perspective on what it means to live in the desert. Most people visit for a few days and never leave the city, but those who want to get a more authentic experience of life in Dubai should consider an overnight desert safari Dubai. If you're planning to take part in this adventure, there are a few things that you need to know about the overnight Dubai desert safari.

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Pack clothes that can be layered:

Dubai is divided into three climatic regions: the coast, the desert, and the mountains. During the summer, temperatures on the beach can reach as high as 40°C (104°F), whereas, in the mountains, temperatures are mild. The desert can be extremely excellent at night, so you should wear clothes that can easily be added or removed for the desert safari.

Pack plenty of sunscreen:

Although the UAE can be very hot during the summer months, there are also many opportunities to enjoy outdoor activities. The sun here is also quite strong, so you should pack plenty of sunscreens to protect yourself. However, the desert can get very cold at night, so it's important to also bring warm layers for the Dubai desert safari.

Bring some cash:

Although some of the larger hotels and resorts on the coast will accept credit, most locations in the heart of the desert will only accept cash. If you don't bring enough money, you can quickly go into debt trying to pay for lodging and food.

Wear comfortable walking shoes:

Although you might want to change into more stylish sandals or go barefoot after arriving at your destination, you should wear comfortable walking shoes for the long car ride to and from the desert. If you plan to go hunting for gems or fossils, you should also wear sturdy boots.

Pack a dusty mask:

The desert is full of fine sand and dust, both of which can irritate and even damage your lungs. For this reason, you should pack a dusty mask when you go on an overnight desert safari. One mask should be enough, especially if you plan to go off on your own.

Bring a flashlight:

Although there will always be enough light during the day, you should still pack a flashlight before going on an overnight desert safari. If anything happens to your vehicle and you find yourself stuck in the desert, you can use your flashlight to signal for help.

Bring plenty of water:

Water is vital when traveling through the desert. As a result, you should always have plenty of water with you before going on an overnight desert safari. If your vehicle breaks down and you find yourself stranded, your water will help keep you hydrated and cool.

Bring a first aid kit:

Although most people who go on overnight desert safaris plan to drive or take a short camel ride, should anything go wrong, there's a chance you will have to walk. If this happens, it's essential to have some first aid supplies with you.

Pack binoculars:

If you want to see some of the desert wildlife, you should pack a pair of binoculars. If you're lucky, you might spot some Arabian oryxes and gazelles. You can also use your binoculars to spot birds in the distance.

Bring a camera:

Even if you forget your binoculars, you won't forget your camera. Bring a quality camera that can take high-resolution photos to capture all of the beauty that this desert has to offer. If you want to capture some great shots of the stars at night, bring a tripod as well.

Pack a GPS:

Although most local guides are highly knowledgeable, they may or may not have all the latest maps. If you want to find your way back to civilization after spending the night in the desert, you should pack a GPS before leaving.

Plan for emergencies:

After you arrive in Dubai, you'll find that there are plenty of adventures to be had. As long as you plan, you should be able to go on an overnight desert safari with no problem. If anything happens and they find themselves stuck in the desert, they can use their flashlight to signal help.

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Dress in layers:

When you go on an overnight desert safari, you should dress in layers. The temperature can vary significantly throughout the day, and you should dress accordingly. Pack some light clothes that will keep you cool during the day and some warm clothes that will help you stay warm during the night.

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desert safari

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