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January 12, 2009 22:00 , par Inconnu - | No one following this article yet.

What Primary Benefits Of Functional Medicine in Charlotte

November 30, 2021 12:31, par Patricia McCrea - 0Pas de commentaire

Holistic approaches to healthcare can include traditional medical practices. The culmination of both approaches has come together to create functional medicine movements. The practitioners review all aspects of their client's health needs and don't just treat the preliminary signs.

Focuses on the Condition Not the Symptoms

Functional Medicine in Charlotte treats the ailment itself. Many doctors prescribe medications that manage the symptoms only, and the strategy doesn't correct the illness. A patient who suffers from an anxiety disorder won't recover or find remission if they are taking medications that just control panic attacks. They need a solution that helps them cope with stimuli that causes panic attacks.

You Get a Customized Health Plan

Functional Medicine provides patients with individualized care plans. The clinicians do not follow a one size fits all approach to treating the people. While one person is suffering from hypertension because of work-related stress, another individual may face further conditions such as PTSD that have gone untreated. When creating a plan, the physicians look at the underlying cause first.

Many people may need more healthcare services outside of general medicine. The doctor discusses the source of triggers and determines if the person needs therapy or other wellness treatments.

Taking a Consultation A Step Further

A Functional Medicine Doctor sets up a lengthy consultation with all clients initially. They don't just give the customers 10 minutes of face time and expect to understand all health issues the person is experiencing. The average first visit is one hour, and the physician collects everything from the family medical history to all current conditions the patients get treatment for. They review the medications the person takes for these existing conditions and research updated options that could improve their health.

Using An Approach That Treats the Mind, Body, and Spirit

Many people may wonder, "What is Functional Medicine?" It is a new approach to healthcare that addresses conditions that affect the mind, body, and spirit. The doctors don't examine the individual for less than 10 minutes and ignore how a health crisis affects the mind and spirit, too.

Functional medicine gives individuals the best of both medical approaches. Instead of giving them medications for controlling symptoms, the doctors review how the condition affects the entire body and mind. They teach clients new coping mechanisms that slow the progression of complex illnesses such as mental disorders. By visiting the doctors, patients can learn more about their health concerns and improve their quality of life.

Patricia McCrea

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