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Farmhouse Vastu Guidelines.

12 de Janeiro de 2009, 22:00 , por Desconhecido - | 1 pessoa seguindo este artigo.
Licenciado sob Free Art

Vastu is an ancient Indian discipline of architecture and design that aims to create harmonious and prosperous spaces. It is based on the belief that the natural world is interconnected and that the layout of our homes and workplaces can significantly impact our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

The principles of Vastu can be applied to various types of structures, including farmhouses. A meticulously designed Vastu for farmhouse can establish a favorable and robust environment for farming and living. It can also promote good health, abundance, and contentment for the residents.

The occupants of a farmhouse can experience various positive effects through the implementation of Vastu principles. Here are a few examples: Enhanced well-being: A meticulously designed Vastu for farmhouse can contribute to improved health by creating a positive and harmonious environment. For instance, placing the kitchen in the southeast corner of the farmhouse is considered beneficial for good health, as this direction represents the fire element, which is essential for cooking and nourishment

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