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January 12, 2009 22:00 , by Unknown - | No one following this article yet.

What Is a Hostel?

August 17, 2022 6:07, by rekak - 0no comments yet

A hostel is essentially a low-cost and short-term lodging where travelers can rent a bed usually in a shared room with a bunk bed or in a dormitory. They offer basic amenities such as a shared bathroom and they may also provide a shared kitchen for your use. Some areas are separated by gender, but not all of them do. 

There are hostels with private rooms, but the lower cost ones generally offer bunk beds and shared rooms. They’re often locally owned and operated and cheaper than hotels because you’re sharing nearly all your amenities. Some hostels may offer long-term lodging for free or at a discount in exchange for work as a receptionist or in housekeeping.

Hostels vs. Hotels 

Hostels in Melbourne work similarly to hotels but with several differences. The biggest difference being the exclusivity of a private room and bathroom as hostels often only provide common spaces. Examples of this are communal showers and a shared kitchen. The benefit of having common spaces is that you’ll be able to meet all types of travellers from all over the world. 

Tips for staying at a hostel


Staying in hostels can be a great experience, you may have heaps of fun, make new friends and hopefully add lots of new experiences to your travels. But if it’s your first time staying in a hostel then there are various things to know. Here are tips for first-timers staying in a hostel.

Bring earplugs

Dorm rooms can be great and provide some of the cheapest prices making hostels perfect when travelling on a budget. However, sometimes you can get snorers or people that are a bit inconsiderate of others and make a lot of noise. To avoid a bad night sleeps one of the first things to remember is to bring earplugs so you can hopefully drown out as much unwanted noise as possible. A good hostel like Bayside house will have good rules to help you get sleep.

Bring an eye mask

Next, if you’re a light sleeper then also consider bringing an eye mask. This will help as people may arrive quite late to the hostel and need to turn on the lights to see what they’re doing, such as when making their bed. Or some people may turn on the main light or their bed light and forget to turn it off. An eye mask isn’t 100% needed but definitely helps if you can’t sleep with any light around.

What is backpacking? 

What is backpacking? The clue is almost certainly in the name. But just because I set out from the comforts of my home carrying some form of backpack on my shoulders doesn’t mean I’m backpacking. If that were true, every kid who hops on the school bus would be backpacking, so there’s more to it than that…

Backpacking can be taken to mean the act of travelling – not necessarily on foot – to new parts of the world with all your provisions and staying in relatively cheap accommodation. However, this definition of backpacking isn’t really what we're concerned with here. What we're interested in this feature in is the hardy brother of hiking, trekking and mountaineering. We’re delving into the pursuit of backpacking that entails beaten-up hiking boots, soaring mountains, crinkled topographical maps, spectacular wild camps and memories to last a lifetime.


  1. Start Small.

An easy short trip doesn’t mean a boring trip.

Your first backpacking trip doesn’t need to be some long multi-day trip with huge elevation gains and distances.

Start off with a one-night trip, and choose a route that’s an easy to moderate distance for you and your abilities while carrying a heavier backpack than normal.

Knowing your ability and what your deficiencies are is important when planning a trip.

For example, if you’re really uncomfortable with heights, don’t go on a hike that requires you to scramble up a steep slope over boulders with drop-offs.

Use common sense and assess the risk along with your abilities so you don’t get yourself into situations where you’re uncomfortable.

In addition, consider choosing a more popular hiking route that will likely have other hikers coming in and out in case you need some support.

It’s so important to thoroughly think through a hiking plan and know what resources are available on the hike and where they are located.

For example, I always like to make sure my route has a water source so I can use my filter or purifier to get more water on the trip as I need it.

If you’re looking for a great hostel then check out bayside house

Trans Voice Therapy

August 15, 2022 9:42, by rekak - 0no comments yet

Transgender Voice Training or voice therapy is the term often used by speech language pathologists and medical professionals. It implies a mechanical, medical approach. These professionals come from a background of treating swallowing disorders, unhealthy voice habits, and voice damage.


   You will find a few advantages to this approach that may make it the better choice for some. First, speech language pathologists are able to accept insurance in some cases for offering Trans voice therapy. Within this school of thought, gender dysphoria (with respect to the voice) is a medical condition, and can then be treated medically for insurance eligibility.

          Another advantage of a medical providers is that they record progress in an objective way. This can be helpful for measuring progress of transgender voice therapy. You will have concrete data, and can understand the progress you are making. Some objective ways of measuring the voice include:

  1. Frequency: the number of times the vocal folds vibrate in a set amount of time. Frequency is typically measured in vibrations per second, or Hertz (Hz).
  2. Harmonics: frequencies that are multiples of the frequency that your vocal folds produce. This influences what quality we perceive a person’s voice to have.
  3. Volume: how loud or quiet a voice is, measured in decibels.



In a world that’s perpetually connected via social media, cellphones, and computers, the power and significance of your voice can be tremendous. Whether you’re listening to a loved one over the phone or hearing an actor on TV, you probably hear hundreds of unique voices every day. But have you ever put much thought into your own voice?

For transgender men and women, the answer to that question is usually an unequivocal yes, constantly. Our voices can out us to strangers and inspire intense dysphoria, widening the gap between who we are and who we present to the world. For many Tran’s men, testosterone lowers the tone of their voice over time. Tran’s women aren’t as fortunate: Estrogen has no impact on a voice that’s already been affected by male puberty. However, voice therapy—conducted at home or through a professional—can lead to a more cis-comparable speaking voice. We recommend mtf voice training by a professional to help.

I’ve never had the abundance of disposable income necessary to hire a voice therapist or do voice feminization exercises, so my experiences are composed of amateur work through internet resources. Voice therapy comprises three major techniques: tone, resonance, and cadence. Once you master the three, you’ll have a strong foundation for exploring the more abstract components of your voice. Most of these guides start with the same advice: strengthen your larynx, then learn to control its position. If you aren’t sure where your larynx is, tilt your head back, place a finger in the center of your throat and swallow. Do you feel that muscle bouncing up and shooting back down? That’s your larynx, and it’s partly responsible for the unique sound of your voice. Controlling your larynx is tricky and requires you to use the muscles surrounding it to lift it and lower it.


The human voice is a powerful thing. But what if your voice didn't represent who you are?

Within the transgender community in Massachusetts and beyond, that is a reality for many people who are transitioning from one gender identity to another.

That's where gender-affirming voice therapy comes in. It's a form of speech therapy, but the goal is to help a person craft a voice that feels comfortable and authentic to themselves.

"There's no recipe for finding your voice," said Laurie Korza, a speech pathologist at Northampton Atwood Rehabilitation Services who works with Trans patients. "You have to work within what your voice can do. And we know that that can change."

Gender-affirming care like voice therapy recently became easier to access in Massachusetts. The state-funded health care program MassHealth OK'd the addition of procedures like breast reduction surgery and genital surgery to a list of covered, medically necessary care last year.

But Trans health care is under attack in other parts of the country. Last month in Texas, for instance, Gov. Greg Abbott directed state agencies to investigate families of children undergoing gender-affirming care for child abuse. Several leading medical organizations have condemned the directive, and the American Civil Liberties Union is now suing Texas over it.

Discrimination based on gender identity is against Massachusetts law. Studies suggest banning or criminalizing gender-affirming care is detrimental to Trans people's well-being. A 2020 survey found 40% of LGBTQ young people had considered suicide within the previous year, in part due to their gender identity not being affirmed by others.

Korza said her foray into gender-affirming voice therapy began when a patient came in for care for a different matter: Parkinson's disease. But that patient eventually asked if Korza could help make her "sound more feminine."

"I was honest and said, 'Well, I've never done that before, but I'm certainly willing to give it a try,' " Korza said.

Today, Korza estimates about one-third of her caseload is people seeking gender-affirming voice therapy.

"It was a big shift, because you do need to understand the safety aspects. You have to be open. And for me, I have to admit what I don't know," Korza said. "Everybody's different. You have to really tailor the program and the process to that individual and to where they are in their process. It continues to be a learning experience for me.


August 15, 2022 9:41, by rekak - 0no comments yet



It all starts in the gut. Our gut's balance of bacteria is connected to the health of just about every function in our body—our brain, skin, digestion, mood, brainpower, immune system, bone strength, all of it. Did you know that gut health is also linked to blood sugar too? That’s right, even blood sugar is connected to the microbiome.

We talked with registered dietician Anca Vereen, RD about the connection between the health of our gut microbiome and healthy blood levels. He gave all of us rowdy folks some great insight on how we can take care of our gut bacteria and blood sugar. Check out what the blood sugar buzz is all about.



Every time you eat, your body reactions. Let’s say you eat a high-protein meal, your body will be loaded with energy. In many circumstances when you feed your body food that contains high amounts of simple sugars and very little fiber, these foods are broken down very quickly and sugar enters the bloodstream causing a fast spike in blood sugar.

When it comes to good gut health, a fibre-rich diet is by far one of the best ways to achieve this.  Fibre is the part of a plant that we cannot digest but instead travels to our large intestine, the home of our gut bugs (microbiome). Interestingly, fibre isn’t just one big nutrient that passes through us to keep our bowels regular. There are a number of different types of fibre, potentially hundreds of thousands each with different health benefits. Let’s break down the three main types. For more custom ideas speak your dietitian melbourne.


Soluble fibre can be dissolved in water to form a gel. Think about when you soak oats or psyllium husk and it forms a pudding like consistency. This soft, thick gel helps to:

  • Slow digestion, keeping us fuller for longer and our blood sugar levels stable for sustained energy across the day
  • Soften our stools, great for both constipation and diarrhoea
  • Lowers cholesterol by binding to and excreting it from our gut
  • Feed our gut bugs (like prebiotic fibres), stimulating them to create short-chain fatty acids that have a host of health benefits from appetite regulation, reducing fat accumulation, lowering cholesterol, supporting good immune function, the list goes on! 

Where to find in food:

  • Oats
  • Barley
  • Flesh of fruits and vegetables
  • Psyllium husk
  • Beans and lentils

This type of fibre is the typical “roughage” we think about. Insoluble fibre acts like a bristled brush that sweeps through our gut. Unlike soluble fibre, it doesn’t form a gel in water and remains largely untouched by our gut microbes. Instead, it draws water into our gut which helps to move things along quickly. This is great for constipation but may worsen diarrhoea. 

Where to find in food:

  • Skins of fruits and vegetables (tip, swap juices for whole fruit and vegetables blended with skin into smoothies, or stir the pulp back into juices)
  • Whole grain breads and cereals
  • Wheat bran
  • Nuts and seeds

Although not technically a fibre, resistant starch is well, a starch that resists digestion in our stomach. It travels to our large intestine where it acts as a prebiotic to selectively feed only our good gut bugs. The result, like with some soluble fibres, is the production of health-promoting short-chain fatty acids. As an added bonus, short-chain fatty acids in turn increase the growth of more good gut bugs, effectively pushing out the bad ones for a better gut microbe balance.

Where to find in food:

  • Green, underripe bananas
  • Cooked then cooled pasta, potatoes and rice (tip, reheating again doesn’t affect the resistant starch)
  • Raw oats
  • Barley+ products

The key to using fibre for good gut health is to have a wide variety of plant foods to meet the recommended 30g of fibre per day for adults.

Each plant food contains a mix of different fibres so going for a variety means we will get a good range of fibres to reap their individual health benefits. Since many of us are falling short of fibre, it’s important to gradually increase your intake and drink plenty of water. Too much too fast without water could cause bloating, gassiness and constipation. 

The importance of gut health has gained significant attention in the last few years - and for good reason! In addition to supporting healthy digestion and nutrient absorption, studies show a thriving gut may actually help regulate mood. Research has revealed an extensive communication network between the gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous system, referred to as the “gut–brain axis.”

That means that helping foster a health gut microbiome can help support immunity, energy levels, healthy skin conditions, and maybe even brighten your mood! Fortunately, it’s becoming easier and tastier to add these good mood foods into your diet with simple, everyday life hacks.

We talked to renowned Registered Dietician and best selling author Frances Largeman-Roth to provide you with the tricks and recipes you need to up your gut-health game. Frances served as the Food and Nutrition Director at Health magazine for nearly eight years and has been a frequent guest on the Today Show, Good Morning America, CNN, The Dr. Oz Show and more! Below, Frances shares her recommendations for parents, vegans, and on-the-go professionals. 

Your Gut May Need TLC When…

  • Your skin isn’t as clear as you’d like: acne, eczema, psoriasis, etc.
  • You consistently feel like a zombie, despite getting solid rest
  • You have frequent yeast infections
  • Your gut is sassy and gassy: constipation, irregularity, bloating, acid reflux, diarrhea
  • If your showing issues with Auto immunity, see Anca Vereen page on this.

Good Mood Food

Neurogastroenterology research has identified and conducted extensive research on the gut-brain axis. This is the biochemical link between your central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and your gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Essentially, there’s two-way communication between your GI tract and your brain in the form of neurotransmitters like adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), adrenaline, and noradrenaline.

Improving the GI microbiome may help modulate mood and prevent against low mood, the primary symptom of depression. According to a study published in Annals of General Psychiatry, probiotics do this by increasing the “growth factor crucial for brain plasticity, memory, and neuronal health that is abnormally reduced in patients suffering from depression." Further, probiotics increase the levels of tryptophan, the precursor to serotonin.

We’ve all read studies revealing the mood boosting, antioxidant benefits of dark chocolate, because who doesn’t want to feel good while indulging in a square or two (or let’s be honest, more)? But what if we told you there was a long list of foods we could be eating to help top up our dopamine levels? The link between the foods we eat and how we feel, or the mood we are in is clear. 

“The link between our diet and our mood is becoming stronger and stronger, with research revealing that dietary improvements are associated with positive changes in depressive symptoms,’’ gut health dietician Anca explains. For more on gut health visit Anca Vereen.

“A few simple ways Australians can look after their mental health is by nourishing their bodies with foods that are supportive of a good mood”



“Fibre-rich foods are essential for good gut health as they keep the gut microbiome healthy, which is important as research has found that 90 per cent of serotonin (the mood-boosting chemical) receptors are located within the gut,’’ Nicole says.

“Incorporating high-fibre cereal into your daily routine is one of the easiest ways to consume more fibre. By consuming cereals high in fibre like All-Bran, you’re helping the good gut bacteria to thrive while also boosting your gut function. Other foods that help feed the good bacteria are lentils and beans which are high in prebiotic fibres.”

5 Secrets to Choose the Best Essay Writer for College Papers

August 5, 2022 4:05, by rekak - 0no comments yet

The demand for unwavering paper writing services has been increasing and there are several reasons for it. Students, especially those of higher academic level, are faced with consistent pressure to exhibit incredible performance. They are assigned a variety of assignments throughout their academic life. Besides studies, students also take part in several other activities. Thus, these increasing responsibilities and commitments compel them to seek help from essay writer service.  However, choosing the best and most reliable essay writer is challenging and students need to acutely look for them. This is because you will find a plethora of options online but identifying which one is reliable is difficult. We recommend that you pay attention to the policies and facts rather than believing all the promises enumerated on the website. This article unfolds 5 secrets that you need to know so that you can choose the best essay writer for your college assignments.

  1. Consider their expertise

Professionalism is one important indicator of a reliable essay writing service. Every writing company promises high levels of professionalism but only a few can deliver. When students order their papers, they expect their papers to be written by authors with relevant backgrounds. Professional and reliable companies have a stringent hiring process to recruit the best professionals. Writers are required to pass through numerous exams and prove their skills and competencies to get hired. What you can do is go through the writer’s profile, qualifications, language proficiency, and expertise. A decent writing service allows you to collaborate with a writer who has the required qualification, experience, and proficiency. Some companies publish ratings of their best writers and some allow communication with them after placing an order.

  1. Able to write in any discipline

As a rule, a professional writing company can produce a paper in any discipline from management to humanities. Throughout your studies, you will have to write different kinds of papers on different subject matters. Each type of paper may require a different writing style and format. Hence, it is important that the writer is proficient in the respective field and is familiar with the formatting rules and writing styles. Some companies exclude certain types of papers or subjects and even hire inexperienced writers. They fail to produce quality write-ups and comply with the standards or instructions. Make sure that the platform offers a variety of writing styles and different kinds of papers in an array of domains. Contact the customer support to confirm whether they have professional experts who can write your paper on the particular domain or not.

  1. Quality assurance

They say quality has a price. You will come across several writing platforms that offer cheap prices for writing papers but that doesn’t necessarily guarantee high-quality work. Preparing a quality paper requires extensive research, effort, and time. The professional experts who possess sufficient knowledge and expertise will create great quality write-ups for a higher price. They have equipped themselves with the skills and knowledge and invested in putting up efficient systems in place to deliver the best possible outcomes. You can go through sample writings and reviews to see whether they are capable of creating unique content and meet your expectations or not. Review the Terms and Policies to understand how they assure and maintain quality and make sure they do not plagiarize or reuse the same papers.

  1. Efficient editing and proofreading

A quality paper will be written from scratch, will adhere to every instruction, follow appropriate format, maintain a logical structure and flow, will be non-plagiarized, and delivered on time. All these factors show the professionalism of the company and this means a lot in this niche. Professional essay writing services are evaluated based on their efficiency to edit and proofread the work before submission. Hence, the editing and proofreading team is vital. Verify whether the writing service provides free editing and proofreading or not and see if they have a qualified and professional editing team.

  1. A list of guarantees

There are some guarantees and features that you should look for before hiring an essay writer. A trustworthy writing company must have responsive customer support. The customer assistance team must be available at any time to support the clients and respond to them promptly. They should also meet the deadlines and be able to work on tight deadlines without compromising the quality of their work. Make sure you go through the review and refund policies of the company thoroughly. There can be cases of non-compliance, inferior quality, late submission, and plagiarism which can be detrimental for you.

A reputed and trusted company will provide these essential guarantees and will ensure the quality of their work. Apart from that, they will value the client’s privacy and keep their personal information confidential and make the order process safe and secure.

To Sum Up

Choosing the best paper writing service shouldn’t be difficult if you consider the above criteria. If you think you need help with your assignments and hire a writer, make sure you do your research well.

How can i make my voice more feminine?

July 24, 2022 3:57, by rekak - 0no comments yet

People transitioning from male to female (MTF) gender seek speech–language pathology services when they feel their voice is betraying their genuine self or perhaps is the last obstacle to representing their authentic gender. Speaking fundamental frequency (pitch) and resonance are most often targets in treatment because the combination of these two voice characteristics can account for the majority of how listeners perceive a speaker's gender. Intonation, voice quality, pragmatics and non-verbal communication contribute to a lesser extent but are usually recommended in treatment guidelines. There are few examples of effective treatment with male-to-female transgender individuals in the literature. Due to a small number of reports, it remains unclear how closely clinical practice follows recommended approaches and the extent to which gains may be expected. How can i make my voice more feminine?


The purpose of this study was to examine retrospectively 5 years’ worth of cases of voice feminization treatment at a university clinic in order to describe a unique clinical population and report treatment techniques and outcomes.

For transgender and gender non-binary persons, experts at the Grabscheid Voice and Swallowing Center of Mount Sinai specialize in helping them to find the voice that is uniquely theirs. Our laryngologists and dedicated voice and speech therapists work with each of our patients to fine-tune their voices to comfortably and effectively do their jobs, and live their lives. Our team members all have specialized interest and training in evaluating and working with transgender patients to provide behavioral and medical/surgical interventions, including tracheal shave surgery and Wendler glottoplasty. Additional we are part of Mount Sinai’s Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery and work together to ensure seamless care for each patient.

Voice Feminization and Masculinization

Voice feminization makes use of a team approach involving you, a laryngologist, and a voice therapist. As a team (patient, physician, therapist) we determine how to help you achieve your voice and communication goals. Our specially-trained voice and speech therapists help you to learn those communication patterns that signal a feminine speaker. After these new behaviors have been maximized, then consideration can be given to surgery to alter pitch. While the surgery is designed to eliminate the lowest portions of a voice’s pitch range and elevate the common speaking pitch closer to an average feminine range, the behaviors learned in the voice therapy are necessary to communicate gender identity. Physicians at the Grabscheid Voice and Swallowing Center can also perform voice box modification to alter the appearance of the Adam’s apple.

Why is voice feminization surgery done?

You may choose to have voice feminization surgery if you:

  • Are a transgender woman (male transitioning to female).
  • Have a disorder of sex differentiation (born with both male and female sex organs).
  • Have disorders that require androgen (male sex hormone) therapy as treatment.
  • Have ovarian cancer where tumors produce androgens.

What is voice feminization therapy?

Many people choose to have voice feminization therapy before and after surgery. In addition to adjusting the pitch of your voice, a speech-language pathologist helps you feminize:

  • Intonation (adapting the sound of your voice to express emotions).
  • Loudness.
  • Nonverbal communication, such as eye contact, gestures, articulation and pausing.
  • Resonance (how you pass air through your vocal folds to control the intensity of your voice).

How common is voice feminization surgery?

About 1% of transgender women have voice feminization surgery. More women (about 14%) choose to have nonsurgical voice feminization therapy instead.

Who performs voice feminization surgery?

A laryngologist performs voice feminization surgery. This type of healthcare provider specializes in surgery for the voice box and throat.

Transgender voice therapy and surgery, also known as gender affirming voice care, involves treatments to help transgender individuals adapt their voices to achieve communication patterns that match their gender identity. Treatments can help change vocal characteristics and nonverbal communication patterns.

Style of speech, voice and choice of language style is highly personal. Changing how you speak can take years, and changes can feel unfamiliar or even uncomfortable in the beginning.

Transgender voice therapy depends on your needs. A specialist can help you determine your goals and create an individualized plan, as well as show you how to avoid vocal damage as you change your voice and speech.


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