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Managing Your Online Identity in the Post-Privacy Era

18 de Junho de 2019, 16:12 , por Susan California - | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.




Online identity management is just another part of managing your internet reputation online. This means that you are managing the person you appear to be online. This does not have to be who you are in real life. In the industry, we call this person. Generally speaking, you make people for your company to target, but in some cases, people like to take on a different image of who they are. This is becoming increasingly difficult in the post-privacy era. What we mean by that is that there are more people than ever on the internet and some of them are looking for who you really are. Have you ever conducted a Google search on your favorite YouTuber? Well, there are people who do this to the extreme. They will find out all sorts of information about them and then post it on the internet. This makes it very difficult to maintain your privacy. Well, today,


Double Identity

To make sure your privacy is protected, you are going to want to come up with a second identity. Many people do this on Facebook and other social media platforms. This is just one way to keep your personal information to yourself and close friends. For all other posts, you are going to want to make sure that you are hidden behind VPN so that it will make it much harder for people to find out who is really making the posts.



Another way is to just come up with a pseudonym.  Many celebrities have done this in the past with great success. The goal for this is to have a name different than yours to make posts with. That will keep your identity safe from search engines. Think of it as a big role-playing game. You make up the character and give them traits all their own. It is closely related to double identity, but with a more believable backstory to it.



If you are going to maintain your reputation, you are going to have to sacrifice something. To keep yourself anonymous you are going to have to suffer a little bit. There are many people that make personas then use them to make troll posts. Sooner or later, this is going to go viral and you are going to have to know how to handle it. The best thing that you can do is make sure that you keep the posts on the one persona that you have created. You might be tempted to use your other persona to defend the one taking the heat. This will end up bad and both of the names will be dragged into the mud.



Managing your reputation online is more difficult than ever before. When you are on the internet it is best to remember that no matter what you post it can be there forever. Many people think that deleting the post will do some good. However, other people have the ability to post it after they copy it.


Pesquisa e tecnologia, Software, cultura e conhecimentos livres

Susan California

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