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Mark Roemer Looks at How to Find the Best Daycare

6 de Agosto de 2019, 6:07 , por Susan California - | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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The thought of leaving your baby in the care of somebody else can be unnerving. However, for many working women there is no other choice. So, if you are one of those people, you must do your best to make sure that your child is in good hands. Our guest, Mark Roemer believes that the daycare system in the country can be quite trustworthy and safe. You just must find the right one for your child.


The Ways

Here are some tips you can follow to find the best daycare -


  1. Identify your needs - Different people have different needs. So, a daycare center which is good for your friend may not be the perfect choice for you. Thus, before you select a daycare center, you must identify your needs.


Do you want a daycare center or are you comfortable with a home daycare? Are you looking for a daycare which is closer to your house or office? What qualifications should the employees have? What recognition should the center have? How much is the cost? These are just a few things that you may ask yourself.


  1. Ask for recommendations - If you don't want to have the time to do the proper research, you can ask for recommendations from your friends or family members. You may also ask for recommendations from your colleagues who are also mothers. Make sure to let them know what your priorities are so that they can point you in the right direction.


  1. Research properly - The best way to find a good daycare center is to research yourself. For starters, shortlist the daycare centers which are accredited by the National Association of Family Child Care (NAFCC) or the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).


The next step is to shortlist the centers which have a safe and healthy environment, an experienced staff, qualified teachers, and which offer constant supervision. While you are at it, look into their employee screening process to achieve peace of mind.


  1. Personally visit the daycare center - The last step is to visit the shortlisted centers personally. Many times, you may find a daycare center which matches your needs perfectly on paper but proves to be the exact opposite when you visit the place in person. For example, their website may claim they have a clean environment, but you find that their floors are unclean.


Consider dropping unexpectedly as it will not give them any time to prepare. Interview them thoroughly and if you suspect anything foul, scratch them from your list. Also, be sure to converse with their current clients and ask for their personal feedback instead of believing the references the institution provide themselves.


Visiting them in person will also allow you to see how the staff interact with children, the real safety measures they have in place, and inspect how appropriate they are for your needs.



Mark Roemer believes that a good daycare center can help in the proper development of your child by helping them to socialize at an early age. It can also prove to be a fun environment for your child for early education.


Susan California

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