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enero 12, 2009 22:00 , por Desconocido - | No one following this article yet.

A study guide can be convenient when you are trying to prepare for an exam or improve your scores. Students who don't have the habit of writing a schedule often miss out on standard deviation assignments or essay assignments. Studies show that students who apply a strategic approach towards their studies receive better scores than others. However, your study guide is even more than just the accumulation of notes. It is your personal tool that customizes to fit with your study routine and learning style. Check out these 4 tips to create a practical study guide.

Organize Your Notes

If you want to create a study guide that makes sense, you should organize your notes. The most common type of study guidethat students create is known as a summary sheet. First, divide your notebook into two halves. The right column is significantly more spacious than the left column. On the right side, mention the concepts that are covered in class.

At the bottom of each topic, write a short summary of what you have understood. Then, on the left side, write the corresponding questions that are relevant to the issues. By looking at the questions, you will also know whether you are good on your own or do you require online assignment help from experts. This will also detail all your notes chronologically, and you will not have a tough time searching for them.

Practice Difficult Questions

There might be some concepts that are more difficult than others. In such cases, it is always advised to practice the problematic questions beforehand. Say, for example, you are troubled with accounting equations. Prepare yourself by practising answers to those problems before your test or exam.

When you practice, you will understand your level, and you can reach out to accounting assignment help services if required. These experts will assist you in grasping the concept better so that you can answer if a similar question comes up in the exam. Try to avoid memorizing any idea as not all questions demand the same techniques. Instead, practice hard to get better.

Add Vocabulary

Adding words to your word bank especially come in handy whenever you are writing an essay. If your vocabulary is poor, try to develop strategies to strengthen it. Build a habit of reading more. You can read anything as per your liking and pick up unfamiliar words and understand their meanings.

Once you are familiar with the words, try to use them in your assignments in a relevant context. Try to take out at least 10-15 minutes of your study time for reading. If you are dumped with projects and cannot manage time whatsoever, try to reach out to experts for more complex tasks. For example, if you have a statistics paper at hand that haunts you take statistics assignment help to get the job done. Read across different genres to understand the language and tone of a particular genre.

Add A Personal Touch

Creating your own study guide allows you to tailor your own learning style. For example, you can be a visual, auditory or kinaesthetic learner. Understanding your personal learning style will enable you to develop strategies to retain information better. Moreover, due to these different styles, students of the same level might have additional study guides.

It is similar to how one student is master in solving standard deviation equations while others need to use a standard deviation calculator. Therefore, create meaningful concepts for your learning styles and use a variety of audios, videos and activities to make learning fun.


Studying is often intimidating, but it does not have to be daunting. With the right approach, you can make learning fun and lead yourself to success. Follow these steps to create your personalized study guide and retain information.

Author Bio: Joanna Berry is a primary school teacher at a reputed institution in the UK. If you need essay writer help, you can contact her at


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7 Tips to deliver top-notch Nursing Papers

julio 20, 2022 7:53, por emily moore - 0no comments yet

Like every other school and academics, the nursing school follows some strict disciplines. It comes with studies, and nursing school also comes with various responsibilities. For example, many people devote their lives to looking after the health requirements of the patients. Likewise, the career in nursing has increased with the increase of health sectors across the globe.


That brings diversity to nursing studies. New students often face difficulties in balancing studies and practice. Initially, you might need to seek a nursing assignment helper to prepare your assignment. Apart from helpers, some pointers will help you to give a perfect assignment.


  1. Do little study every day: Medical field includes vast topics. So, to prevent yourself from falling into the craters, you need to study bit by bit every day. Daily studies on different topics can help you with writing a report. The reports will thus act as material or notes of your preliminary studies. You can effortlessly use them to construct your assignment. You can use your class notes to incorporate them into your assignment.


  1. Make study groups: Sometimes, individual studies can be a little strenuous, especially in med school. Therefore studying in groups can then help you finish the assignments faster. Also, studying together will provide support and encouragement. So, if you address the same issues with your classmates, the solutions will be used more quickly.


  1. Research thoroughly: No matter in whichever field you choose to study, proper research always saves your assignments. The quality and extensive research helpto dig out facts, ideas, and relevant information about the topic. So, the more you invest points in your assignment, the better your assignment will be. You can even use nursing assignment help to proofread your assignment.
  2. Follow your learning style: Each student has their way of learning. Some can memorize well, while some need to check facts repeatedly. Knowing your style will help you to put effort strategically into your assignments. In addition, some assignment writing servicescan evaluate your technique to shape your assignment. For instance, some kinetic learners can often memorize faster with the motion of the pages. Similarly, you might take time to learn things. Keeping these facts in mind, you must check your style to provide the best assignment. 


  1. Set your timings: Nursing assignments can be extended to complete. Therefore, you need to set a time accordingly to finish your writing. Proper allotted timings can help you to divide smaller tasks. It even prevents you from spending extra time on something else. Thus, putting effort into the right time will focus you on delivering a perfect assignment.


  1. Mention proper resources: An assignment isn’t complete without citations and references. An assignment is indeed a reading of varied resources. So, you cannot skip this step. Many universities follow different citation styles for referencing sources. Follow a similar referencing style in your assignment and mention your sources in the bibliography.


  1. Proofread your assignment: Lastly, never forget to proofread your assignment. Proofreading helps to check the gaps that you made while writing. You might face various minor typos and silly errors while framing your assignment. So, please correct them and evaluate them with a fresh mind to give an excellent polish to your assignment.


Studying nursing or in the medical sector include different possibilities. With the field practice, it becomes difficult to cope with the flow of writing assignments. So, hopefully, you might ace your goals to master your assignments through these guidelines. Good luck!

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6 Ways You Can Improve Your English

julio 15, 2022 8:56, por emily moore - 0no comments yet

Suppose you are in the middle of your English assignment. You find the English paper to be the most difficult among all other papers.

As a result, you have decided to call an "English assignment help on the internet to find an easy resolution. But have you ever pondered on improving your skills without pondering?

  1. Find the right activity

You might think you will grow equally if you partake in any given activity based on the English language. But in the real world, it is a lot more complicated. Students aim to figure out this catch and keep searching on the internet with, "help me do my homework." But if you can find the right activity, such queries will be permanently over. Whether you want to focus on the writing side of the language, get the best speaking power as a non-native English speaker, or grasp an all-around English knowledge to improve your fundamentals is up to you. That's why picking up a suitable activity matters the most.

  1. Work on your writing skills

After you find your activities, try to work relentlessly on your writing skills. Essay writing is an art in itself. You have to take samples from the internet or buy sample essays from the market and practice writing more and more. For example, suppose your teacher has provided you with some crucial notes on English. You want to study those notes for your next exam. But in reality, you can hardly reproduce those chapters on paper. So, practice essay writing on your own. There are millions of different essay writing assignments your college has to offer. For quick fixes, search the internet with "proposal essay topics to practice on the most relevant essay topics.

  1. Improve your reading skills

You might be fantastic with your writing already after repeated practice. But have you ever pondered on how reading can bring the necessary change in your all-around learning skill? Reading is an exceptional tool for learning any language faster. Suppose you are reading a chapter in your mind. You tend to forget the rest of the passage when you capitulate the right information from that essay. But if you read it aloud, it stays in your mind for at least a week. Not only that, it has a direct connection with developing the spoken power of any language. Thus, improving your reading skills. Try to read out passages aloud and see the changes yourself.

  1. Work on your listening skills

You have managed to read and write English now. But can you recognize fast English communication when native English speakers communicate? It is still hard. Not only that, you still find it hard to follow any English song lyrics or first communication between movie characters. The only way you can improve this is by improving your listening skills. Try to figure out the exact words and sentences the characters are speaking. If you can amalgamate the writing and reading practices with your reading practice, you can learn English quickly. So, don't waste a minute and work on your listening skills from today.

  1. Correct all pronunciations

You are trying to speak English in public, among friends, and gain fluency. But have you noticed your pronunciation? English is different from other languages because it has numerous uncertain reasons and logic behind finding a word with a specific pronunciation. In addition, the very word pronunciation is pronounced differently than it is written. So, it is a complex matter when it comes down to pronunciation.

  1. Grammar and vocabulary are the key

People may advise you to overlook grammar and vocabulary, but the trick lies here. Once you figure out the grammatical rules in your daily conversation or writing, you will learn the language anyway. In addition, your linguistic skills will flourish with more vocabulary added daily to your list.

Summary: This essay talks about the basic tips to improve your English. You can follow these steps to write the best English essay and get the highest grade in your class. Take professional assistance in need.

The Secrets Behind Securing an A+ in Your Research Paper

junio 20, 2022 7:11, por emily moore - 0no comments yet

Writing an A+ research paper is no child's play. Students can spend hours trying to perfect their documents without any guarantee that they'll be able to score well in their assignments. Therefore, it's not surprising to find students at their wit's end regarding their research papers.


Why are research papers so challenging?


Researching any topic requires in-depth knowledge of the subject matter, effective planning, and hard work. If you lack any of these three fundamental requirements, there's no option but to hire a research paper writing service to help you out with your assignment.


Students who seek help with writing a report have struggled with several issues, such as:


  • Difficulty deciding on a good research paper topic
  • Lack of methodology knowledge
  • Inability to find reliable sources for research
  • Lack of understanding of the subject matter
  • Low interest in the topic


It's no wonder that writing an A+ research paper by overcoming these challenges can be difficult for most students. Therefore, if you wish to improve your chances of scoring top grades, feel free to explore the secret experts swear by when writing academic papers.


Top Research Paper Writing Secrets to Change Your Life


If writing an A+ research paper is your end goal, there's no need to sacrifice your sleep worrying about the best steps you can take to achieve this goal. Instead, go through this compiled list to discover the secrets behind a top-quality research paper.


  1. Discover a good topic


The best way to avoid hiring a paper writing help service at the last minute is to select a topic that interests you. So, spend time determining whether your chosen topic is the best choice for your paper.


  1. Choose your sources carefully


Due to the easy availability of information on the internet, many students use unreliable blogs and articles in their citations. However, it would help if you always stuck to academic sources such as journals, books, etc.


  1. Document your sources for effective writing


Writing an A+ research paper isn't possible if you aren't organized with your sources. File every document according to its importance, keep bibliography notes and arrange a separate copy to jot down important points. If you follow a proper method, you won't have to deal with last-minute panic.


  1. Construct an outline for the paper


Most students who need help with writing a report do not write outlines before diving into the main section of their papers. As a result, their writing lacks proper structuring and framework. Hence, it’s easy to lose direction midway and go off-topic. So, spend some time framing the skeleton if you want to write a top-notch paper.


  1. Spare enough time to write the paper


Writing an A+ research paper won’t be possible if you rush the process. First, you must conduct enough research to provide a contextual background to your topic. Then, you must build your essay around the points you want to highlight. Next, ensure that you have enough evidence to back up your claims. Finally, the conclusion shouldn't have any loose ends.


  1. Always revise the final draft


Before submitting your research paper, use the free plagiarism checker  to ensure your writing is plagiarism-free. Otherwise, all your effort will be in vain. Furthermore, proofreading services can check your spelling and rectify all grammatical mistakes.


As long as you follow these secret tips diligently, writing an A+ research paper isn't impossible. So, take time and work hard towards composing top-notch writing without relying on professional experts.




It's easy to feel intimidated about writing a high-quality research paper, especially if it's your first time. Hence, this article explores 6 valuable tips to help you ace this task without hassle.

Six suggestions you must save for an analytical case study

mayo 13, 2022 9:15, por emily moore - 0no comments yet

If you are a law student, you are most likely find decoding a complex case study complicated. It's an obvious problem, as only a few know the process of establishing a well-explained case study like the IKEA case study.


Reading published case studies and collecting adequate references of IKEA, David vs. Goliath, Malden Mills, etc., will give you an idea of how to execute the right tone for your analysis. Apart from that, you can help yourself with these tips for writing a stronger and a more effective case study -


  1. Always begin with a plan -


A basic blueprint with only the broad titles of your topic will not help. Instead, make your own presentation that will be a miniature of what you want to present in your case study.


Once you've prepared the general headings, you can add a few subheadings. You can initially follow the structures of a published article like the IKEA case study analysis to understand better.



  1. Provide a story -


Giving a short background story in your case study context helps the reader grasp your perspective.


Provide context for the reader to understand the utility of the solution you've provided. This is especially tough for theoretical university projects.


  1. Make a plan for each section's structure -


You can take this example for your structure –


Research objectives > tools utilized and why > interesting/important data > data transformation into user insights > influence on problem definition/user need


If you follow the case studies like the Shell case study, you will understand the goal is to break things down into digestible parts.


  1. Include relevant information -


It's appreciating that you worked for a particular firm. But what exactly did you perform for them? Define your roles in the case study.  


Consider using the brand in a testimonial if you can't articulate it in terms of figures and outcomes. A case study is exactly that: a look at what happened in a specific situation.



  1. Avoid fillers and keep it short


Most people overlook case studies. Put yourself in your competitor's shoes and understand their objectives.


They're looking for evidence of your client's success. So concentrate on that and ignore any fluff information that does not support it.



  1. Prepare specifically for your audience -


Keep the demands and needs of your clients in mind if you are writing the case study for a specific client. Make your argument by demonstrating how you've previously fixed the problem. You can showcase different situations depending on the client's demands.



Take these suggestions as your go-to helper the next time you attempt any case study.


Summary - Writing a well-established case study can provide a top-grade career in law firms. But to do so, you must know how to underline your arguments properly. So go through this article and save the tips experts have shared.


Author Bio - Harvey Specter is a business advocate hailing from the U.S. He is also associated with, where he provides help for famous case studies like IKEA. In addition, Specter likes to read and watch sci-fi movies in his free time.



7 Unique Guidelines To Know To Analyze A Case Study

mayo 9, 2022 5:34, por emily moore - 0no comments yet

Have you ever thought about why it is a real challenge for you to conduct an incredible case study analysis without any assistance?

We understand that conducting a case study analysis on any major brand can be an excruciating and tedious affair for many. To deliver a flawless case study analysis, students need to offer readers similar experiences he/she has presented in the research. What's more, it should also be presented to encourage the readers to come up with solutions of their own.

Sounds challenging, right? Here we have compiled certain effectively guidelines you must know to nail your case study analysis like never before.


  • Evaluate The Business Environment

Before you start writing your Volkswagen or any case study analysis, it becomes significant to examine and describe the business environment related to the case study. Explain the nature of the brand under consideration and its rivals. Offer general information about the market and customer base. Determine any significant changes in the business environment or any new endeavors the business is embarking upon.


  • Explain The Structure And Size Of The Brand

Start evaluating its management structure, employee base, and financial history of the brand. Explain annual revenues and profit. Offer figures on employment and incorporate vital details about private ownership, public ownership, and investment holdings. Also, it is necessary to offer a detailed overview of the business's leaders and the command chain.


  • Determine The Key Issues

It is significant to identify the main issues in the case study to deliver a stellar Jaguar case study analysis. Undeniably, there will be numerous factors at play. Decide the key concern of the case study, the main issues faced by the company, and conclusions at the end of the study.


  • Explain How The Company Responds

It is always wise to discuss how the company in consideration responds to these issues or problems. Draw on the information you accumulated and try to trace a chronological progression of the steps taken or not taken. Cite data incorporated in the case study, like increased market spending, buying a new property, changed revenue streams, and the likes.


  • Determine The Success As Well As Failures

Remember to always indicate whether or not each aspect of the response met its objectives and whether the response overall was well-crafted. Make use of numerical benchmarks, like a desired customer share, to show whether goals were met or evaluate broader issues, like employee management policies, to speak of the company's response as a whole.


  • Point To The Essentials

Remember to indicate the successes, failures, unforeseen results, and inadequate measures. Try to suggest alternative or improved measures that the company could have taken. Use specific examples and back up your suggestions with data and calculations.


  • End Your Analysis

It is wise to conclude the case study analysis by reviewing your findings and emphasizing what you would do differently in the case. Demonstrate both your understanding of the case study and your business strategy.

Be sure to include these aspects while conducting the next case study analysis. Look forward to only bagging the best grades in the class.


Students pursuing marketing are often asked to conduct a detailed case study analysis on any major brand. In this post, we have mentioned certain effective guidelines you must implement to sail through the excruciating process like never before.

emily moore

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