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Your ISP is blocking your port 80?

July 16, 2011 21:00 , par Inconnu - 0Pas de commentaire | No one following this article yet.
Viewed 769 times

That’s so stupid and explorative thing!

The easy and fast workaround comes in four steps:

  1. Configure a free dynamic dns service in your router
  2. Buy a cheap with 2 static IPs VPS service (I use Configure DNS properly with bind or CPanel.
  3. Setup crontab to run a proxy script every 30 seconds (append to /etc/crontab):
    * * * * * root
    * * * * * root sleep 30;
  4. Put with execution permission bit in your PATH (change 84 to your webserver port and add an authorized key to your home server)
    netstat -tan | grep LISTEN | grep 80
    if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
            ssh -f -L *:80:*:84 user@yourdynamicdnsaddress sleep 999d
Good luck :)

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