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Being Good at Video Games

March 16, 2015 16:21 , par Facebook Tester - 0Pas de commentaire | No one following this article yet.
Viewed 46 times

We live in a world where you stand a pretty good chance of getting a high-five from a stranger if you can recite from memory an old cheat code from an NES game. Where Disney has made a blockbuster animated film based on classic game references. Where TV shows and commercials have characters play console games to show they're just regular folks.

When picturing an average game developer, most people used to think of pimply-faced nerds and fat, balding slobs with Coke-bottle glasses. Now the image that springs to mind is probably a rich, young douchebag. Probably neither one is a real positive stereotype, but the latter is the stereotype you put on the bullies and the cool kids, not the outcasts and weaklings. People are still suspicious of them, but in the same way you're suspicious of corporate America, not in the way you are suspicious of the homeless guy who talks to himself.


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