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What do you need to know before you apply for Online Therapy?

3 de Julho de 2019, 11:28 , por imogenribus - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Deciding whether to get therapy in the more conventional way; that being face to face or to get therapy online is quite a difficult decision and it is important that you know all of the facts beforehand so you can decide which is best for you. Here we are going to look at a few things you need to know before you apply for Online Therapy.

Will your insurance cover it?

As online therapy is quite a new thing, there are some insurance providers that do not have this form of therapy in their policies. Sometimes it may not even be down to the provider but down to the state you are in. Either way before you apply for Online Therapy you need to double check that the policy you are looking at will cover it.


Not for a crisis

In this respect, Online Therapy is similar to in-office face to face therapy in that if there is a crisis situation; for example, the client/you are feeling suicidal there is not instant response and therefore you cannot be spoken to immediately which will not help your situation. The best thing to do if this is the case is to contact a suicide helpline which would be available 24/7.

That physical connection and signal reading

There is something to be said about a physical connection you may make between yourself and your therapist. Although a therapist’s job is to not get emotionally involved with your situation, they are still human and have that human touch. They are able to comment or say things based on your body language and tone of voice that in text or over the phone may not be easy to read.


What about privacy?

One of the things that worries people the most about the use of the internet is how well your personal and private information and files are going to be kept. Whether it be for the use of online banking, or just storing stuff for work it is definitely crucial to know that your information is being kept safe, and for online therapy this thought process is no different. First things first, like face to face counselling the online psychotherapist is still required to keep what is said between the two of you confidential. The addition of the internet however and the transmission of data online does mean that although on both sides doctor and patient the information is being kept confidential, there still stands the possibility that the devices being used could be hacked. Having said that the likelihood of this happening is quite slim.


Not for those with serious psychiatric issues

There are many psychiatric illnesses that cannot be treated via the internet. This point touches on some of the other points made previously. There are some mental illnesses that need that level of personal communication, they require the therapist to read your body language to determine what the best way to go forward with treatment is. You really need to consider or get advice from your doctor as to whether they believe e-therapy is something that is good for you because if it is a serious illness that you or your loved one has then it is best for them to be treated face to face.








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