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Why to invest in ASC Cooperative Housing Nowshera

12 de Janeiro de 2009, 22:00 , por Desconhecido - | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.

ASC Cooperative Housing Society Nowshera is a residential project in Nowshera that provides an essence of comfort and luxury and alters the human attraction in its actual characters. It does not only offer you a living space but a home where you will feel secure and safe and can celebrate the happenings of your life. We are well aware that the population of the country is growing very fast so every day there is an increasing need for accommodation, so the developers of ASC Colony have moved to Sialkot to resolve these issues of people. Now you can have your dream house at one of the idyllic locations at the most affordable rates. Ghafari Marketing brings an investment ooprtunity in rela estaet sectors inf the form of mega projects like Silver City Housing Scheme, waterfront district blue world city, Paradise City Nowshera, Nova City Peshawar


ASC Colony Phase II is a project of Blossom Enterprises. They have brought their best skill and expertise to establish ASC Colony. The Provision of all modern and basic amenities and ultra-modern lifestyle has been focus mainly in this Project Development.

Big Data and Artificial Intelligence with its operation in the Real Estate industry

16 de Março de 2022, 8:12, por Ali Khan - 0sem comentários ainda

The terms "Big Data" and "Artificial Intelligence" are currently one of the most important tools in the technological field.

The information available worldwide has grown exponentially in recent times. But… where do these data come from? There are multiple sources. We will highlight the following:

  • Produced by people. Sending an email, writing a comment on Facebook, answering a telephone survey, entering information into a spreadsheet, responding to a WhatsApp, getting a customer's contact information, clicking on an Internet link... Countless actions that we do on a day-to -day basis represents an immense source of data.
  • between machines. Yes, data is also shared between machines directly, in what is also known as M2M, which comes from the English “machine to machine”. Thus, thermometers, parking meters and automatic irrigation systems in cities, GPS in vehicles and mobile phones, vending machines for drinks and food in a hospital, or electricity meters in homes, to give just a few examples, are They communicate through devices with other devices, to which they transmit the data they collect. The communication networks to carry out these actions are very varied. Among the best known are Wi-Fi, ADSL, fiber optics and Bluetooth.
  • Biometrics. Data originating from artifacts such as fingerprint sensors, retinal scanners, DNA readers, facial recognition sensors, or voice recognition. Its use is very widespread in terms of security in all its variants (private, corporate, military, police, intelligence services, etc.).

main features

  • Speed  ​​: our concept of immediacy has changed in recent times and information is sought that arrives practically instantly. News that is less than a day old, in a mere matter of hours and sometimes minutes, may have lost interest. Thus, the speed of analysis required by today's society is one of the fundamental characteristics of large-scale data, where data in constant movement processed in real time takes center stage, executing increasingly complex algorithms in less time.
  • Variety  : the data on which big data techniques work are diverse because, as we have seen, they come from numerous sources and are in different formats. In addition, the amount of unstructured data continues to increase in proportion to traditional data. As was the case with volume, this forceful entry into the scene of unstructured data requires new information processing, requiring new methodologies and technologies to be able to analyze it.
  • V alue: a large amount of data frequently extracts little information of value. How to get this information efficiently is one of the challenges that the area of ​​data intelligence faces every day. Courage is undoubtedly a fundamental quality in analysis. V ariability: In an environment as changeable as that of big data, information varies a lot. And so must the models or treatments that are applied around it, since they are not fixed over time and require periodic control.

ASC Cooperative Housing Society Phase-II Nowshera provides all the modern facilities and amenities at budget-friendly rates. The facilities are part of any contemporary luxurious society that could be termed as a complete residential scheme.

The developers have reserved a large area for the development of green spaces such as parks. ASC Cooperative Housing Society Phase-II is considered the most lavish society with all the modern-day luxuries and amenities.

The owners’ focus was to offer a healthy and luxurious lifestyle environment; for this reason, a large land area is dedicated to the central theme park where children and the elder may enjoy leisure time with no worries in their minds. Some mega investment opportunities like waterfront district blue world cityparadise City Nowshera1947 Housing Islamabad:

Benefits of Big Data

And all this process you may wonder, what benefits does it bring? Well, a few, really. Some of them are:

  • It is a very agile and flexible set of technologies.
  • It is scalable so if you have more data, you can put more machines and include new analytics and more information. Thus, the infrastructure can grow at the same time as your company or project.
  • It is fast and cheap compared to the storage infrastructure. For example, through cloud computing services, you can pay only for what you consume.
  • Most applications belong to the Open Source community, open source software or part of the public domain. With this, in addition to the obvious economic savings that once again enter the scene, we also have at our disposal a large community of developers who work daily to improve systems and processes of these resources, such as the Apache Open Source community, where they also resolve doubts that arise to various users around the world.
  • And for the end, the great advantage: through Big Data and having correctly followed the information management cycle that culminates with the value of the data, you will have a previously set objective. This can be making more money or saving through cost improvements, acquiring new customers or retaining current ones, advancing scientific research, gaining a competitive advantage over our competitors by anticipating what the market will bring through predictive analysis, optimize our production processes...

In short, we will be able to draw conclusions with a more solid base and concepts that are oriented towards making effective decisions. And all this, applying not only variables from the past, but predictions for the future that are much more based on a scientific basis than until a few years ago.

Ali Khan

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