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Interior Design and its Types

18 de Fevereiro de 2021, 1:51 , por jason09 - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Interior design is a method to enhance and improve the interiors of place. It includes buildings or bungalows. Types of Interior Design There are many different types of interior designers. We will discuss about some of them. Residential Interior Design A residential interior designer is known for designing apartments, houses or villas. They usually have ...

Interior design is a method to enhance and improve the interiors of place. It includes buildings or bungalows.

Types of Interior Design

There are many different types of interior designers. We will discuss about some of them.

Residential Interior Design

A residential interior designer is known for designing apartments, houses or villas. They usually have their own businesses or work in interior design companies. They also help people select furniture, lighting and other interior decorations. The services a residential interior design provides are redesigning the cabinets in the kitchen, wardrobes, walls etc.

If you want luxurious designing for your villa, you cannot simply do it yourself. You would need some consultants. There are many companies available for villa interior design in Dubai . First go to the best interior design consultants in Dubai . They will give you the best ideas on how to design a stylish villa.

Lighting Interior Design

Lighting is very important for the beauty of your house especially a good lighting. This type is based upon designing lights for homes, offices, cinemas, malls, museums and many kinds of events. It could also include lighting for parks or fountains.

If you are lighting interior designer, then the types and styles of lights you should design should be based on the situation and place. The amount of lights also plays an important role so a designer must be good at maintaining that.

For eg in a mall, the lighting depends upon the clothing, jewelry and other things. Also, people's emotional feelings can be affected by the color temperature. So, design the lights wisely.

Set Interior Design

Designing a set is not an easy task. It requires a lot of planning and ideas. Set designing most importantly depends upon the situation and is used by TV artists, theater and movie stars. If a play is sad, the interior design of the set should be similar to that while if a play is fun and exciting, the set should be entertaining. So, the audience not only sees the performers but also gets aesthetically pleased.

Consultant Interior Design

The job of a consultant interior designer is to guide people on how to decorate or furnish your homes or offices. First, you have to meet the customers and then guide them. The

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