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A Program In Wonders Podcast: With David Hoffmeister

23 de Dezembro de 2023, 2:18 , por Benjamin Tenison - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Mystic Brian Hoffmeister is an income exhibition that peace is possible. His gentle manner and state, non-compromising term really are a surprise to all. He is known for his useful program of the non-dual teachings of A Class in Wonders ACIM to experience a consistently calm state of mind. The love of the concept he shares factors right to the Source. For around 35 decades, David has traveled to 44 countries across 6 continents to give the information that Truth is available for everyone, now.

David's meaning speaks to all or any persons, no matter whether their history is spiritual, spiritual, clinical, or atheist. He's as comfortable delving in to the metaphysics of modern-day shows as he is in going to the underlying meaning of the scriptures in the Bible. David's own journey involved the analysis of a course in miracles podcast several pathways, culminating in a deeply determined sensible program of “A Class in Miracles,” which he's a world-renowned teacher. His teachings have already been translated into 12 languages, and taken in to the bears and brains of thousands through the close design of his publications, audios, and videos.

David's #1 Bestseller “Quantum Forgiveness: Science, Meet Jesus” catapults your head in to a correct and transcendent connection with Forgiveness, Now.

“The Mystical Teachings of Jesus” is a motivated compilation of Bible sentiments and "A Program in Miracles" quotes to illuminate your brain!

All Mark Hoffmeister products can be found here:

These A Class In Wonders Podcasts were weekly LIVE displays by which Mark Hoffmeister distributed teachings and purposes centered on his experiences with Jesus Christ and A Class in Wonders (ACIM). These films of A Class In Miracles Podcasts are made accessible easily on Youtube. For more information about Brian and his teachings please visit the Movie Watcher's Manual to Enlightenment site:

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    Benjamin Tenison

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