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5 Things to consider when you are hiring a cartographer

7 de Dezembro de 2021, 14:12 , por Elain Mullins - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Cartography is becoming an easily popular service. Many services like Google and other location-based services are now more and more cartographers. Even though there are many cartographers out there, finding a cartographer that suits your requirement may be a challenging task.

Here are a few things you should consider before hiring a cartographer.

Research: The first step to finding a good cartographer is to research—word of mouth from industry peers and other people who have previously hired cartographers. Alert from word of mouth; you can check online.

Check these sites for reviews and analyse the positive and negative reviews and make a shortlist based on these reviews.

Cost: Cartography Services can be expensive since it requires a lot of skill and time. This means getting a custom map of choice will cost you a lot of money. Make sure you explain your requirements and then ask for a price quote.

Do the same with multiple services and choose which is best suited for you financially. Also, make sure they don't offer any hidden or additional charges to the service you ask for. It's troublesome to figure out what costs are added afterwards.

Previous Work: One of the best ways to get excellent service is to ask for a portfolio of their previous work. This way, you can evaluate their calibre of work and integrate various things you may want to add to your requirements based on those samples.

Time: Map making can be a very sophisticated process. Some simple things take time, while some complicated projects take less time than initially estimated. Make sure you ask them how much time they need and match your time frame.

Service Quality: Some cartography services take on a project but don't follow up with the client from time to time. Ensure that the cartographers regularly follow up with you to know the work progress and if there have to be any changes.

If you do not like any aspect, you can change it early on instead of going through a total upheaval in later stages.

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    Elain Mullins

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