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How to Keep Your Home Cool in the Summer

7 de Dezembro de 2021, 3:18 , por Elain Mullins - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Summer is here and the weather is scorching hot. Whether you're trying to keep your home cool or just looking for a break from the heat, these tips will help you survive the summer heat.


Use these ten methods to keep your home cool. From natural evaporation cooling to using fans, here are some of the cheapest and most efficient ways to stay cool this summer.


4 Tips to Keep Your Home Cool


#1: Keep Your Windows Shut

Many people don't close their windows when they're home, which is a huge mistake. Conversely, closing your windows will help to keep your house cooler and reduce the amount of AC needed.

#2: Install Shade Curtains

Shade curtains are made from cotton or linen and can be found in any size or shape. They're inexpensive and easy to install.

#3: Install Insulation R-Values

Install insulation with an R-Value of at least 6 for your ceiling and walls.

#4: Keep your home cool with air conditioning surrey 

During the summer, it is one of the most worthwhile investments you can make. It is comparable to the cost of a new car. However, they are more valuable than cars because they last longer.



The Best Ways To Survive the Summer Heat

The quickest and easiest way to cool your home is to open your windows. When you open your windows, air will be able to flow in from the outside, across your floors and through your walls. This helps remove heat from your home faster than any other method.

Another quick method of cooling down a room is to leave a window open when you're not in it. When you're not in the room, there's no need for air conditioning, so opening a window will allow fresh air into the home to help cool it down.

One way of keeping your house cool is by closing all but one window and using fans to blow the cooler air from outside into the home while still allowing fresh air to enter at the same time.



With summer just around the corner, now is the time to start thinking about ways to keep your home cool.

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    Elain Mullins

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