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The 5 Best Ways to Prevent Mishandling of Goods

22 de Dezembro de 2021, 2:38 , por Elain Mullins - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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It’s no secret that the retail industry is constantly evolving. In order to stay competitive and keep up with the times, businesses need to be willing to make changes and adopt new strategies. Part of this trend has been the ever-growing number of online stores taking over, including international retailers which have seen a vast increase in business. With these changes comes a heightened risk of mishandling goods, leading to loss of revenue and customer satisfaction. Here are some ways to prevent mishandling from occurring.


What is mishandling?

Mishandling is the act of changing a product’s quality or appearance. If handled incorrectly, products can be damaged, altered to lower value, or even become counterfeit goods.

The best way to prevent mishandling from occurring is to follow proper procedures during the receiving process. This includes implementing clear instructions on how to handle and ship the goods in order to avoid errors and mishaps.


Impact indicators of mishandling

As retail has evolved, the risk of mishandling goods has become a major concern. Mismanaged goods lead to loss of revenue and customer dissatisfaction, which are not only detrimental to the business's bottom line but also can have a negative impact on employees as well.

In order to prevent mishandling from occurring, it's important to identify certain indicators that indicate potential issues. For example, if a company is using too much packaging or excessively marking up prices, it could be an indicator that there's something wrong with the product. Additionally, if customers are having a difficult time finding products in stock or their packages are being sent back for damages or shortages, then this could indicate that something is wrong with the goods. Other indicators include poor quality control and poor return rates.


5 key ways to prevent mishandling

-Use RFID tags on all goods

-Have a well-organized process for receiving and shipping goods

-Create a customer experience that is pleasant and easy

-Ensure proper procedures are followed at all times



Mishandling of goods can be costly for any business. It can lead to lost sales, damaged goods, and a drop in your brand's reputation.

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    Elain Mullins

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