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The Complete Guide to Halloumi Cheese

25 de Dezembro de 2021, 4:26 , por Elain Mullins - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Halloumi cheese is a Greek cheese that is popular all over the Mediterranean region. It's made from a blend of goat and sheep’s milk, which gives the cheese its unique flavor.

Halloumi cheese was first produced by nomadic tribes in Greece and Cyprus in the 8th century B.C. Halloumi is nowadays one of the most popular cheeses in Greece and Cyprus as well as many other countries around the Mediterranean basin.

Halloumi is a type of "feta" - a crumbly, salty white cheese with a semi-hard texture made from sheep or goat's milk curds that are left to mature while they are sprinkled with salt and then dried in the sun before being cut into large, long slabs that can then be grated or

Halloumi Cheese Summary

Halloumi cheese is a unique cheese that is made from the curd of sheep and goat's milk. The cheese is often compared to mozzarella but it has a unique flavor and texture. It is also considered a dry or semi-hard cheese that can be grilled, fried, or roasted.

Different Types of Halloumis

Halloumi is a cheese that is made of unripened goat’s or sheep’s milk curds. It is found in the Middle East, North Africa and Cyprus.

The history of halloumi starts as far back as the 13th century BC when it was first recorded in Egypt.

Different Types of Halloumi:

- Halloumi Cheese

- Shishtah

- Keftedes

Cooking With Halloudi Cheese

Halloumi cheese is a white brine cheese made from sheep’s milk, or sometimes with a mixture of cow and goat's milk. The distinctive rind is protected by a film of the bacterium Streptococcus zooepidemicus.

Halloumi cheese is best used for frying, grilling, baking, or roasting. It has a very pungent smell that can overpower other foods when it is cooked. There are many different ways to cook halloumi cheese as it has a moderately strong flavor that can complement many dishes.


Halloumi, a cheese-like dish made from curdled sheep's milk, is also known as halloumi salad or halloumi fries.

This is because of its mild taste and high fat content. It is also chewy and dense which makes it a favorite among children and the elderly.

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    Elain Mullins

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