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What Are Blood Diamonds? Uncovering the Dark Side of the Diamond Industry

20 de Julho de 2023, 1:52 , por Elain Mullins - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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what are blood diamonds, ethical lab grown diamonds

Diamonds have been a luxury since ages. To consume such luxury, there is a chilling reality within the diamond industry which is known as blood diamonds. These precious gems have a tragic history with human right abuses, violence and funding armed conflicts.

Mined diamonds were always reported for being unethical, but on the contrary, ethical lab grown diamonds were never in this race.

Do you want to know what are blood diamonds? This post will shed lights on the origins and consequences. Check this out.


The term blood diamonds emerged in the 1990s when reports revealed that certain diamonds were being mined in war zones and it was being sold to finance armed conflict.

Blood diamonds are mined in areas controlled by rebel groups who exploit forced labour, child labour, labour exploitation, and horrific living conditions to extract these valuable resources.

The revenue generated from their sale is used to finance armed conflicts, spreading violence and disrupting the entire nations.

Impact on human lives

The human toll of blood diamonds is devastating. In conflict zones, inhabitants are subject to violence, displacement, and forced labour.

Families are torn apart as the children are abducted and turned into child soldiers and forced to commit heinous acts. Miners endure harsh working conditions, often facing injuries or death while earning a miserable income.

Impact on environment

The diamond mining operations plays a vital role in destroying the ecosystem. It leaves scars on the earth’s surface.

Diamond mining operations require a lot land destruction, it consumes water to an extent level that leads to water shortage, cuts down trees that leads to causing deforestation. Mining operations also destroys the habitats properties.


Ethical alternative

Recently, there has been a greater and ethical alternative to such blood diamonds. They are ethically sourced. It is ethical lab grown diamonds.

The lab grown diamonds are produced in a controlled laboratory by expert guidance. It has no impact on the environment and does not violet the ethical concerns.

Lab grown diamonds require less amount of work and natural properties. Because of this, they do not exploit any rules. For being ethical, it is an attractive choice to conscious consumers that are willing to buy ethical diamonds without compromising on the quality and brilliance.

Ethically sourced diamonds

The blood diamond trade is a painful reminder of the dark side of the diamond industry. By choosing ethically sourced diamonds, or choosing ethical lab grown diamonds, consumers support transparency supply chains.

This way, we can contribute to a brighter and sustainable future for the diamond industry. The industry that is willing to prioritise human rights, peace and prosperity.


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    Elain Mullins

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