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Why Lab Diamond Wedding Bands are the Perfect for Eco-Conscious Couple

28 de Junho de 2023, 1:57 , por Elain Mullins - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
Visualizado 27 vezes

If you're looking for Mens Wedding Bands Australia that have an eco friendly twist, look no further. The jewelers at VRAI offer sustainable bling that looks just as beautiful and is guaranteed to last just as long as traditional jewelry. They use lab grown diamonds and recycled precious metals, and their supply chain is 100% carbon-neutral (using renewable hydropower), meaning that every single ring saves 250 tons of earth, 120 gallons of water, and 143 pounds of CO2. Plus, they give back to charities like No Kid Hungry and Equality Now.

Clean Origin's lab diamond wedding band are atomically and chemically identical to their mined counterparts, but are 35% larger on a price basis. This results in a more beautiful and ethical ring, without any of the negative environmental impacts of mining. Their bespoke rings are made to order, meaning that they don't overproduce and waste. Plus, their ring boxes are 100% recyclable and made from paper that is FSC certified.

Unlike traditional diamonds, the lab created variety is completely conflict free and takes significantly less time to grow. These are just a few of the many reasons that lab grown diamonds are the best choice for the modern couple.

The diamonds used in this stunning ring are made by Diamond Foundry, the leader in lab-grown diamonds. This ensures that the diamonds are environmentally responsible, and they are even backed by Leonardo DiCaprio, who is no stranger to supporting ethical fashion!

This ring features an antique halo of 0.16ct Lab-Grown Diamonds to elevate your center stone, and it can be customized with a cushion, round, or oval cut. This opulent ring is the perfect way to show your love for the planet and your loved one.

Another brand to check out is Ella Stein. Their bespoke rings are all made to order, and their entire collection is Climate Neutral Certified. This means that they measure, monitor, and offset their carbon footprint, and they also offer free shipping, resizing, and returns (they melt down all returned pieces to make new ones).

These eco friendly wedding bands are handcrafted in Canada from materials such as steel, iron, brass, tungsten, and repurposed whiskey and bourbon barrels. Some contain gemstones like turquoise, antler, and buffalo horn. They are also coated in or vacuum-infused with resin to seal the materials, which gives them a rugged and natural appearance that's perfect for any man who loves the outdoors.

Located in NYC, MiaDonna uses ethically produced and Fairmined gold to create their sustainably sourced bands. Their lustrous lab grown diamonds are a close match to their earth-mined equivalent, and their sustainable rings come in an array of styles. From intricately woven gem trails to sleekly simple bands, there's something for everyone at MiaDonna.

This ring has a classic design and a chic pear-shaped diamond trail in the center of the band. The stones are set in a bezel to add depth and dimension to the piece. It's a great option for anyone who wants a traditional and elegant wedding band with a little extra sparkle.


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    Elain Mullins

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