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Extends Laser Diodes latitude with New 940nm Laser Diodes from QSI

21 de Novembro de 2017, 7:50 , por boomlasers - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
Visualizado 66 vezes

The 940nm, 50mW laser diode, QL94J6S"X", is excellent for integration into industrial 200mw laser modules. furthermore, 3D sensing, gesture consciousness and concentrated on purposes, amongst others, will advantage from this compact 5.6mm diode with a constructed-in photodiode to normally computer screen efficiency.


The QL94R6S"X" 940nm laser diode has an output vigour of 200mW. The higher energy level makes this IR laser diode perfect to virtual fact, augmented truth and depth sensing applications.


each diodes are available in three diverse pin configurations, presenting six new laser diode alternatives, to ease integration for selected application requirements. both are rated at working temperatures up to 60�C.


Jeremy Lane, Managing Director, ProPhotonix UK limited, commented: "we're completely happy to present these new Infrared laser diodes from QSI. They tackle many high increase opportunities and allow us to further lengthen our large latitude of aggressive, superb class 3 laser pointer diode options to our purchasers."


QL94J6S"X" and QL94R6S"X" are immediately available. For more information, please contact email protected or consult with our web site to down load a datasheet:


About ProPhotonix


ProPhotonix limited, headquartered in Salem, New Hampshire, is a high know-how clothier and brand of LED illumination programs and purple laser pointer diode modules for trade main OEMs and clinical machine organizations. In addition, the business distributes premium diodes for Ushio formerly OCLARO, Osram, QSI, Panasonic, and Sony. The enterprise serves a wide range of markets including the machine vision, industrial inspection, protection, and medical markets. ProPhotonix has workplaces and subsidiaries within the U.S., eire, U.okay., and Europe. For extra assistance about ProPhotonix and its imaginitive items, talk over with the business's website at .prophotonixm.

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