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Empreendimento de Economia Solidária

Colivre Empreendimento de Economia Solidária

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Noosfero, version 0.35.0 "Lira"

31 de Janeiro de 2012, 22:00 , por Desconhecido - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
Visualizado 905 vezes


Noosfero is a web platform for social and solidarity economy networks with blog, e-Porfolios, CMS, RSS, thematic discussion, events agenda and collective inteligence for solidarity economy in the same system!

Besides that, Noosfero is a free software project, developed by Colivre along with the contribution of a community of developers to ensure the release of new versions every month.

If you want to know more about us, visit or join the group noosfero! on

What's new for users

 » A better sign up screen

We improved the signup screen to make the registration on a Noosfero environment cleaner and prettier.

Also, we included some tips that are displayed when the new user is filling in the fields and javascripts validations to save user's time.


» Description of product's price

Some enterprises becomes more reliable when the price of their products are fully described. With Noosfero, besides describing the list of inputs and raw materials used on the product/service, the enterprise administrator also can describe the other costs that affect the final product/service price  The price composition can be defined on the product's page by the enterprise administrator. The progress bar indicates whether the price is fully described or not.

If the product's price is fully described, the item Price composition will be displayed under the product's image. Clicking on it you will see all the product's costs.


» Redesigned product's catalog for enterprises

The enterprise's products are displayed in a catalog page completely redesigned! Information about description, price composition and inputs and raw materials are displayed only when the user clicks on it, giving more emphasis to the products.


 » New plugins

Plugins are a great way to add features without having to worry with the existing infrastructure.

  • Tracker and web analytics for people and communities
All kind of profiles on Noosfero (Person, Community, Enterprise) will be able to get their page statistics using Google Analytics. They can create an account and include the Analytics ID on their profile to track the amount of requests received, information about the origin of their visitors and time spent on profile among many other important data.
  • Custom search on environment
This plugin adds the Google Custom Search as Noosfero search engine, allowing the environment administrator to customize the search settings and look and feel.

 » Small enhancements

Now if an unauthenticated user comments on an article, his Gravatar image is a link to his profile on Gravatar where the picture can be changed.

Another enhancement made is on visualization of menu and profile's balloons. We disabled the sliding effect and now the menu and balloons are displayed as soon as they are clicked.


What’s new for developers

In addition to new features for users, the new version also brings innovations for developers. Check out the list:

  • Better style for code elements
  • Loading theme CSS after all others
  • Updating po files
  • Updating noosfero doc po files
  • Updating AUTHORS file
  • Using fade effect in toggleSubmenu()
  • Ensure that po4a.conf file doesn't have the same xhtml file twice
  • Guide to setup AWStats for Noosfero
  • Improving Google Analytics Plugin doc
  • GoogleCsePlugin - Google Custom Search Noosfero Plugin
  • Changed Image resize_to and max file size
  • Changed double quotes into single quotes for Postgres compatibility
  • Organizing monkey patches


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