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Potential Future Aircraft Communication Technologies in 2022

febrero 15, 2022 13:57 , por Oscar Jack - 0no comments yet | No one following this article yet.
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The ever-increasing demand for regional jets, commercial aviation, and military helicopters is likely to contribute to the industry growth in the coming years. It would occur because of the rising need for aircraft antennas. These are also required for next-generation, innovative aircraft programs. However, creating a strong communication system in the aircraft involves a lot of investments. It may hinder industry growth.

The aircraft communication system industry is likely to gain impetus from the introduction to various state-of-the-art technologies by renowned organizations. Airborne Wireless Network (AWN), a provider of wireless communication services, for instance, is developing a high-speed communication system for delivering cost-effective wireless broadband to the aircraft.

Increasing Number of Aircraft Deliveries to Propel Growth

The number of aircraft deliveries is up surging day by day, which, in turn, is boosting the aircraft communication system industry growth. Airbus S.A.S., for instance, announced that it is planning to deliver around 863 commercial jets by the end of 2019. The high demand for aircraft is further propelling the need for static dischargers, cockpit voice recorder, aircraft antenna, and audio integrating system.

North America to Remain at Forefront Fueled by Rising Air Traffic

Geographically, the industry is categorized into Asia Pacific, Europe, North America, and the rest of the world. Amongst these, North America held USD 340.5 million in terms of aircraft communication system industry revenue in 2018 and it would lead throughout the forecast period. It is likely to occur because of the rising demand for UAVs and highair traffic in the developed countries, such as Canada and the U.S., respectively. Apart from these, the presence of numerous renowned organizations, namely, Lockheed Martin Corporation, Harris Corporation, and Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation in this region would spur growth.

Asia Pacific, on the other hand, is projected to grow at a fast pace in the near future on account of the increasing usage of 3D printed aircraft antennas and UAVs in China. Coupled with this, supportive aviation policy from the governments of several countries and rising number of investments by private companies would skyrocket demand in this region.

Worldwide Industry Value in 2022

In a recently published report, titled, “Aircraft Communication System Industry Size, Share and Global Trend By Connectivity (SATCOM HF, VHF, UHF, and Data Link Communication) By System (Audio Integrating System, Cockpit Voice Recorder, and Static Dischargers) By Component (Antenna, Transponder, Display & Processor, and Others), By Platform (Fixed-Wing, Rotary-Wing), Regional Forecast till 2026.”

The report further mentions that the aircraft communication system market size was USD 915.5 million in 2018 is projected to reach USD 1,688.0 million by 2026, exhibiting a CAGR of 7.95% during the forecast period.

Communication Radios Segment to Lead Backed by their High Usage in Aircraft

Based on system, the industry is grouped into static dischargers, cockpit voice recorder, radio tuning system, communication radios, and audio integrating systems. Out of these, the communication radios segment is anticipated to generate the largest aircraft communication (ACARS) industry share in the coming years. This growth is attributable to the extensive utilization of communication radio in business jets, military aircraft, and commercial aircraft. The audio integrating system segment is set to showcase considerable growth stoked by their usage in integrating audio from cockpit services.

Highlights of This Industry Insights

  • Elaborate information about the aircraft communication system industry trends, obstacles, and growth drivers.
  • Detailed research on the companies operating in the industry and the strategies adopted by them to surge sales.
  • In-depth data regarding all the segments in the industry.
  • Information on the competitive landscape, including new product launches, collaborations, partnerships, investments, mergers and acquisitions.

Key Industry Players Focus on Signing Contracts to Gain Competitive Edge

The industry is highly fragmented and hence, is competitive. They are signing agreements or contracts with other reputed enterprises to offer them unique products. Some of the companies are also striving to gain approvals from the government bodies for their products. Below are a couple of the latestvital industry developments:

  • January 2019: Boeing and Cobham recently signed an agreement for the certification of the latter’sAVIATOR 200S system present in Boeing 737 MAX and 777X airplanes. AVIATOR provides a robust, lighter, and smaller sitcom solution to airlines.
  • October 2019: Viasat Inc., a communications company headquartered in the U.S., bagged approval for its business aviation Ka-band in-flight connectivity (IFC) system for the Gulfstream G280™ airframe. It was approved by the Federal Aviation Administration.


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    Oscar Jack

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