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Review About Maxkon Robot Vacuum Cleaner

14 de Agosto de 2020, 6:42 , por David Thane - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
Visualizado 191 vezes

Previously, vacuuming, cleaning house toilets was always one of the things that took too much time and effort. From the day you choose to buy Pro Maxkon Robot Vacuum Cleaner, 2-in-1 Dry & Wet Mopping Automatic Smart Robotic Sweeper, everything is more comfortable. This article is my point of view, hoping to help those who are planning to buy this product.


Outstanding features

The Pro Maxkon Robot Vacuum Cleaner, 2-in-1 Dry & Wet Mopping Automatic Smart Robotic Sweeper is a significant step forward for technology and is the perfect replacement of bulky cleaning equipment such as vacuum cleaners and mops.

With a three-stage effective cleaning system along with 1.2KPa powerful suction, this machine can clean quickly and thoroughly on all types of floors, including hardwood, brick, thin floor mats, and so on.

Smart operation:

Integrated with many functions, from scanning the room area to automatic sensing, to selecting the vacuum mode, to combining wet cleaning or dry cleaning for each different plane.

Settings and scheduling can happen in just one touch.

Connect to the internet with smartphones: Operate and manage your vacuum right on your smartphone.

Automatic charging: Return to the charging point when the battery runs out.

Friendly for children and pets

Super quiet with an advanced brushless motor. The H11-grade HEPA style filter is effective and ideal for families with pets and children

Unique D-shape

It’s easy to clean under messy furniture and surroundings. Pick up lots of dust, pet hair and debris with the 350ml big trash


Cannot climb stairs on their own in multi-story houses, and it doesn’t remember the map

Unlike humans, vacuum cleaner robots have not been able to move on their own yet, so if you have a lot of floors, you have to bring it up and down, which is quite time-consuming. Otherwise, you will have to buy one for each story.

Besides, robots now only remember the one floor area. When your bring it upstairs, it does not run correctly and must scan the map again.

In short, robots vacuuming are more for a one-story house and apartment building.

If I do not clean the machine, it will become dirty.

Over two to three days, I have to clean the robot once, including pouring dust trays, washing the filter net, washing the cleaning rags, and so on. These things take about 15 minutes for each execution. If you do not fully clean the vacuum cleaner, the robot will carry dirty dust and scatter it in many places in the house.

Cannot wipe off as clean as a human

The vacuum cleaner robot can vacuum better than a human, but wiping is not as good because there is less water in the towel (even if there is a water tray) and the weaker thrust. If you buy a robot to clean the house, think again. Don't buy it, or find a more convenient and worthwhile solution.

In general, these are my own feelings, and maybe other friends are not like that. To be sure, you should read many vacuum reviews from different sales websites and refer to the top 10 vacuum cleaners to get yourself the right choice.
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    David Thane

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