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This power tool by Porter-Cable is one of the best deals on cordless drills

3 de Agosto de 2020, 13:26 , por David Thane - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
Visualizado 54 vezes

This power tool by Porter-Cable is one of the best deals on cordless drills. Its most outstanding feature is the brushless motor. These motors are lighter, more efficient, and more potent than their brushed counterparts, which, most of the time, makes them the better option.

The model is light compared to the previous one, weighing at only 3.2 pounds. This cordless drill will not cause you any trouble related to moving the machine around. Two batteries manage to make for a fantastic buy because it is ten percent or so cheaper than many other top-notch units.


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    David Thane

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