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Entertainments That You Can Enjoy in Desert Safari Dubai:

5 de Janeiro de 2022, 17:08 , por desert safari - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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There are too many cities that you can visit in the entire world. But Dubai is considered the most prestigious city and the best place to stay. This spot is the best option for families and foreigners to plan a trip. So, if you are planning to visit Dubai, you will explore too many new places and many more.


Desert Safari:

But the most prominent and best place to visit is in the Desert Safari Dubai. If you like tourism, you will hear about the desert safari Dubai. Overall this place offers you all the luxuries, and that's why it is considered the best place to visit in the entire world. Here you will find too many exciting activities that you can perform.

So, in this article, we will tell you about all the entertainment that you can enjoy on a desert safari.


What Is the Timing of Desert Safari Dubai Tour?

You will easily find the three types of timings to visit the Dubai desert safari. All these timings include.

  • Morning Timing
  • Evening Timing
  • Overnight

Now we will tell you what type of activities you can perform in all these timings. So, read the entire article to know about all the activities you can perform in desert safari Dubai.


Morning Desert Safari Dubai:

Al the morning desert safari Dubai, you can perform different activities. The most favorite activities and places that you should visit include. 

  1. Pick and Drop from Your Hotel:

There are too many tour companies who offer pick and drop service. They pick you from your hotel and drop you at the Dubai desert safari. In the pick and drop services, too many luxury cars are available. You can select a vehicle you like for the pick and drop service.

These luxury cars will pick you from your hotel, and then they will drop you at the morning desert safari destination. At that destination, you can perform the morning desert safari activities.

  1. Dune Bashing:

The first and most exciting activity you can enjoy in the morning desert safari Dubai is dune bashing. Here you will find various vintage cars, including the Land Cruisers and others. You have to select the vintage car for the dune bashing. 

The driver of every car is well-trained and most experienced so, you don't have to worry. They drive the vintage car in a different style, and you will enjoy the ride of the desert. They go the vehicle around the dunes, and you will feel this experience.

  1. Camel Ride:

The next activity that you can perform in the morning desert safari is a camel ride. However, it is the most exciting and fun activity that you should try once. We all know that the traditional animal of the Arabian desert is a camel. If you don't experience the camel ride, then it means your morning desert safari trip will not be complete. The camel ride includes a vast area of the Arabian desert. With the help of a camel ride, you can explore the desert area.


Evening Desert Safari Dubai:

The next time to visit the Dubai desert safari is evening. After performing all the morning activities, you can experience the evening desert safari Dubai. All the activities you can perform in the evening desert safari are below.

  1. Photography with Amazing Sun Set:

If you are a photographer, then the evening desert safari is like heaven for you. You can take beautiful and unique pictures of the sunset. For every photographer, it is the best place, other than the photography you can also record some fantastic videos for the memory of this trip.

  1. Sandboarding:

The following fantastic activity that you can perform in the evening desert safari is sandboarding. If you are a person who wants to experience the core of dunes, then this activity is the best option for you. For this activity, the first thing you have to do is rent the skates, and then you can enjoy the best experience of the Dubai desert safari.

  1. Henna Painting:

This activity is best, especially for female tourists. If you always want paint on your hands, the henna painting activity is available for you. You will find too many professional and expert painters for henna painting. So, if you want your hands to look unique and charming, you should try the henna painting activity.


Overnight Dubai Desert Safari:

After the evening desert safari, you can enjoy the overnight desert safari Dubai. In this desert safari time, you can also perform too many activities. All the essential and most common activities of the overnight desert safari include:

  1. Belly Dance Performance:

In many Arab countries, belly dance performance is a famous tradition, and people enjoy this performance a lot. If you want to know the cultural values of the Dubai desert, then you should enjoy the belly dance performance. Trust us, this activity is fantastic, and you will enjoy this activity.

  1. Tanoura and Fire Show:

The following beautiful and exciting activity of the overnight desert safari to enjoy is tanoura and the fire show. Professionals are present to perform these activities like the fire show, and they also perform many other activities in these shows. I assure you that you will enjoy these activities.

  1. Amazing BBQ Dinner:

After enjoying the fire and tanoura show at Dubai Desert Safari, it is the best time to take a meal. For this, you will find too much meat in the form of BBQ. Besides this, you can also enjoy the different dishes, and you will love the taste of these dishes. 


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