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Morning safari: The best desert safari Dubai for everyone

16 de Fevereiro de 2022, 17:51 , por desert safari - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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If you are looking for a fun and unique way to spend your morning in Dubai, a morning desert safari is a great option! This activity allows you to explore the beauty of the Arabian desert while also enjoying some exciting activities. Whether you are traveling as a family or as a couple, this adventure is sure to be memorable. This blog post will provide more information about what you can expect during a morning desert safari.

Morning desert safari Dubai:

A morning desert safari starts around 8:30 am and ends at 12 pm. We recommend that you wear comfortable clothes and shoes for this activity. Some individuals wear casual clothing such as jeans, whereas other women prefer to wear long skirts or dresses during the experience.

You may also want to bring a scarf or shawl to use during the safari. This is especially important if you are visiting Dubai in December or January. You can also expect to feel hot and sunny, so make sure you bring sunglasses and sunscreen!

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Reason to select the morning desert safari Dubai:

The morning desert safari Dubai is a fun and unique way to spend your morning. It allows you to explore the beauty of the Arabian desert while also enjoying some exciting activities. You can select this adventure as a family or as a couple, and it is sure to be memorable for everyone involved.

Activities of morning desert safari:

Once you arrive at the desert safari camp, you will be greeted by your tour guide. A typical morning desert safari starts with a traditional Arabic breakfast (a cup of tea and some dates). You will be introduced to your jeep and fitted with a seat belt before heading off into the desert! Your first stop during the trip is to perform dune bashing.

Dune Bashing is when you ride on top of the dunes in a 4x4 jeep while the driver speeds up and down all over the place. This experience is enjoyable, especially with friends!

You will be able to experience this activity for around 45 minutes before heading to your next stop, which is sandboarding, sand dunes, camel riding, and others. 

Sand Dunes: The dunes are located near the traditional Arabic village. You will ride camels around the desert to explore the area.

Dune Bashing: This activity involves driving a jeep over various dunes at high speeds. This is one of the most exciting parts of a morning desert safari. You will ride on top of the sand dunes in a 4x4 jeep while the driver speeds up and down all over the place. It is considered one of the most thrilling activities, if you don’t want to perform this then you can try other activities.

Desert: The desert is a fantastic experience for people who enjoy nature and traveling. The desert provides shade, making it a great experience to visit during the hot summer. The desert is also filled with many incredible dunes that you can climb and explore.

Sand Boarding: A sandboard requires you to ride down a large sand dune on a thin piece of wood. This activity is somewhat similar to snowboarding, and it is enjoyable! You will need to spend around an hour sandboarding. If you know about snowboarding, then you can enjoy sandboarding. In this activity, you can go down from the high dunes with the help of unique boards. This activity is also considered one of the best morning safari activities.

Camel Riding: This experience begins when your tour guide leads you to the camels and introduces you to your designated camel handler. This person will then take you on a ride around the desert, which is an incredible experience. With the help of a camel ride, you can easily explore the desert. Other than this, you have also a chance of taking some amazing pictures of the entire desert and the beautiful wildlife of the desert.

Traditional Arabic village: The traditional Arabic town is located near the sand dunes. You will visit this village after having a traditional Arabic breakfast, which typically consists of a cup of tea and some dates.

Tips for morning desert safari:

Use a sun protection cream and wear sunglasses. Bring a scarf or shawl to protect yourself from the sun in December and January. Wear comfortable shoes that can get dirty, such as sneakers or boots. Bring a camera to capture photos of your desert safari experience!

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If you are looking for a fun and unique way to spend your morning in Dubai, a morning desert safari is a great option! This activity allows you to explore the beauty of the Arabian desert while also enjoying some exciting activities. Whether you are traveling as a family or as a couple, this adventure is sure to be memorable.

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