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What is Overnight Desert Safari Dubai and activities you can perform?

26 de Janeiro de 2022, 15:43 , por desert safari - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Everyone knows about Dubai's desert safari, but most people don't know about the overnight safari experience. However, the overnight safari contains the ability to provide you with the best tour experience. It has all the elements that a significant trip needs, like enjoyment, excitement, uniqueness, and thrill. On the overnight safari, you can experience different unique activities. The main thing about this safari is sleeping on the sands under the clear sky. However, this article will tell you everything about the overnight desert safari. After reading the entire article, you will love to plan an overnight safari trip.


What is overnight desert safari Dubai:


If you are a person who wants to experience a unique desert safari in Dubai trip, then it is the best option for you. Overnight desert safari is considered the best trip to learn about the Arabian culture. With the help of this safari, you can enjoy many activities that provide you with a unique experience.


Sandboarding, camel trekking, quad biking, dune bashing and other activities are included. However, the list of activities will not end here because other options are available. The henna painting, sunset view, and photography session wore Arabian traditional costumes. 


Besides this, you can also enjoy the BBQ dinner and the live entertainment performance. If you have any health problems or don't want to experience thrilling activities, this tour is for you. The overnight desert safari is also the best option for older adults and pregnant women. You have the opportunity to enjoy a delicious dinner with friends and family members. 


Activities you can perform in overnight desert safari:


Do you want to experience the best night of your life in the desert? Then the overnight desert safari is for you. Here you can perform too many activities that provide a unique experience. However, all the activities that you can experience include:


Dune Bashing:


The most famous and exciting activity of the overnight desert safari is the dune bashing. Too many people love dune bashing, especially as it is considered the activity of youngsters. In this activity, you can experience a 4x4 vehicle ride at high speed through the giant dunes. It is the most thrilling activity that you can experience. So, we recommend you not to miss this activity. 


Live entertainment performances:


If you want to make your night more colorful and exciting, then live entertainment shows are available for this. The first thing you can experience is the live famous Arabic dance show. It includes the Tanura dance and the belly dance performance. However, all the professionals will perform these live entertainment shows. They know very well how to perform these activities. 


If we talk about the other performances, it includes the fire show. It contains too many dangerous moves, but you don't have to worry. You have to enjoy the show, and the professionals will perform this activity. However, in the Tanura dance performance, you will see that the professionals wear different skirts. This dance includes some spinning movements.


Amazing sunset view:


It is a fact that the sunset view is always beautiful, but when you experience this, then you will feel more beautiful. You will find definitely that your heart will be stuck between the golden and yellow rays of the sun. However, you also have the opportunity to take some pictures along with this beautiful moment. So, we recommend you not forget to take a camera with you. Other than this, professional photographers also tell you how to take amazing pictures. 


Quad biking and sandboarding:


The following activity that you will perform is quad biking. It is also considered the most thrilling activity of Dubai's overnight desert safari. This activity is specially designed for adults who want some thrilling activity. If you love bikes, then this is the best activity for you. If we talk about sandboarding, then it is also another fantastic activity. Basically, in this activity, you have to slip down from the high dunes with the help of a unique board. If you have experience of snowboarding activity, then it will be a more exciting activity for you. 


Read More About Desert Safari


BBQ and the buffet dinner:


After performing all the thrilling activities, it is time to experience dinner under the clear sky with the shining stars. We all know that the two things of the Arab are very famous, one is hospitality and the next thing is the cuisines. Here you will experience the world's best BBQ dinner, including both veg and non-veg dishes. 


Explore the desert culture:


When you enter the Best Dubai desert safari camp for the BBQ dinner, you will explore the culture of the Arab people. You have the opportunity to explore the lifestyle of the Bedouins. If you are a nature lover, you can experience flora and fauna. However, in the camp, you will enjoy the live entertainment shows. Remember that alcohol is not available. If you still need it, you can buy it by paying extra money.


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