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Agile Management and its importance for every business

26 de Março de 2020, 9:04 , por John miraa - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Simply put, Agile Management is a frequentative approach to effectively managing and improving a project using agile software development methodology. It assists project managers in delivering high-quality products or services. Several organizations, including both startups and large enterprises, have adopted agile methodologies and the number only seems to be growing each year.

Furthermore, this technique helps the clients/customers gain better outcomes in their business. The quality of the software is enhanced and the projects are delivered at a faster pace. Agile is all about change; which means it gives you the freedom to alter things at any point plus helps you deal with changes in demands of the client at any stage of the process. Flexibility will always be the strength of agile management techniques.

Reasons to use the agile approach:

One of the major decisions in the project strategy is choosing the approach to follow throughout the project cycle. Here are the situations where agile approach can be applied,

Delivery time:

If the project has delivery time constraints or you wish to skip the 18 months cycle and deliver the product quickly in high quality, this is the approach for you.

Testing and deadlines:

As the project proceeds to new stages, the pressure among the development and testing team increases which brings us to a common scenario — dilemma of fixing the defects or extending the deadlines. To combat this, agile approach can be used. It enables the team to detect the defects in advance giving them more time to work on the fixes.

Better quality:

The agile methods are aimed to deliver better quality services with low risk and high efficiency. Plus, these are the best pick while handling projects with time and budget constraints.

For team growth:

In an agile environment, the bigger tasks are broken down to small ones and assigned to the team equally. This avoids confusion and gives much higher rates of progress. Plus, it keeps the team spirit high.

High productivity:

Organizations are always working on increasing the productivity and efficiency at workplaces. With agile methods, better communication and faster solutions can be achieved.

Software quality:

Agile management requires employees to work closely and efficiently. The coordination between development team and QA team is improved which leads to better software quality.

Benefits of Agile management:

  • Promotes growth and coordination among team members.
  • More space for continuous improvement in a project.
  • The effective feedback loop process in agile is highly beneficial and contributes to the progress of a project.
  • Better interface for communication between client and the coordinators.
  • Critical changes can be taken into consideration from time to time and improved based on the requirements.

Agile is for every business. It may not be the cure to all the commercial ills but every process can apply — if not all — at least few of the techniques from agile management. Organizations require better alignment between business and IT, this is where agile comes into the picture as it helps the goals of IT operations align with those of business team by reducing cost, time and efforts. Using this methodology reduces project risks with its sprint tasks approach and the risks of highest priority are dealt with first which makes the process to function smoothly. Organizations can train their employees with best suitable Agile Project Management certifications to reduce the project risks.

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    John miraa

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