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What are the keto myths you must stop believing?

9 de Março de 2020, 19:07 , por John miraa - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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You might be hearing a lot about the keto diet, and you might even be considering it. So, what is stopping you from going on that diet? It is the idea that the diet might be wrong for you because you have heard so many myths about it. You might be completely confused right now about what the myth and what the truth is. Keto diet can be great for weight loss and your health if you follow it in the right manner. Given below are the common myths about ketogenic diets that you need to stop believing.

Myth 1: The body goes in ketoacidosis

The ketosis makes the fat burn in the ketogenic diet. You go into ketosis when you are on a diet. It is a state of metabolism where the body utilizes fat as its energy source. The body starts breaking down fat and transforms that into ketone bodies. The body does not go into ketoacidosis, which is a life-threatening complication that occurs when the body does not have enough insulin.

Myth 2: It does not matter if you go off the diet for some time

You will gain the weight back if you suddenly stop dieting or go back and forth on your diet. Keto has gained such popularity that people get into the diet without knowing much about it. People might start the keto diet on the right note for a week or two, and then load up on carbs the next day. You will not get the benefits of ketosis if you continue doing this.

Myth 3: Carb needs are the same for everyone

The amount of carbs you need depends completely on your health. You have no idea how low carb you are going to go when you are starting a ketogenic diet. You might go on an absolutely low carb diet to make your body get into ketosis quickly. People who get more physical activity on a daily basis might increase the carb intake a bit, but it is still lower than the usual amount.

Myth 4: You can go all out on butter and bacon

Keto diets are rich in unsaturated fats, and even keto supplements have that component. It does not give you permission to simply have bacon for breakfast. You will still need to limit saturated fats, like sausage and bacon. The kind of unsaturated fat you need to go for includes flaxseed, olive oil, and avocados.

Hopefully, you will embrace keto more readily now that you know

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