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What are the tips for safely driving using a spare tire?

6 de Março de 2020, 14:38 , por John miraa - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Spare tires are like insurance because you do not think of it till you need it. When you finally need it, you are thankful that you had a good sense of getting it in time. However, there are a few factors that you need to know if you really want your spare wheels to help you out in a problematic situation. You need to take good care of the spare tire, and you need to know the correct way of driving it. The following ideas will definitely help you in safely driving using a spare tire.

Know the type of spare tire you have

Your driving will not get affected much if you have full-size spare tires. You can expect to drive normally once these full-sized tires get fitted on to your car. However, people usually do not have full-sized spares in their cars these days. What they have is called a doughnut or a space-saver tire. These tires are lighter, narrower, and smaller than your regular tires, and driving these tires need precaution.

Do not drive too fast on the roads

You will need to reduce your speed when you are driving a temporary tire. Even if you are on the major roads, stick to a speed limit of eighty kilometers per hour. Drive from one side of the road, and let the drivers who are going at speed to pass you by. Keep your emergency lights on if you are driving at night to let others know that there is a problem with your car.

Do not drive too far using spare tires

Refer to your owner’s manual to know the distance you should travel on the spare tires. Traveling long distances with spares will end up affecting the differential of your car. Differential dictates the way a car is able to smoothly turn corners by giving the inner wheels more power than the outer wheels. Traveling too far with a temporary tire will make your car’s differential, clutch plates, and gears to suffer. Do not go farther than a hundred kilometers using spare tires.

Do not ignore the warning light

The question of where can i buy a spare wheel for my car is not the only thing you need to consider. The warning light that comes up when you’re using a spare tells you that you need to take it slow as the ABS has stopped working properly.

Driving with a spare wheel will be pretty easy when you know the right way of doing it. Hopefully, the guidelines given here will come to your aid when you are using a spare tire.

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