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Why do Pakistani brides go gaga over Angarkhas?

12 de Março de 2020, 11:12 , por John miraa - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Wedding is one of the most important parts of a woman’s life. Not just she gets to be the part of a gala event; it is a pivotal thing where she just embarks on the new journey. She enters to a new family and starts her beautiful journey in a completely new environment. As the day is considered to be one of the big days of her life, every girl wants to look their best on that day. A dream like dress, extremely gorgeous makeup, music, light, and food everything should be perfect for her. But amongst all, when it comes to the dress, that has to be special for her.

Choosing the bridal dress is not easy

Choosing the best dress that contains perfect color, perfect cut and gorgeous design is a slight difficult and which is why brides start doing the research on the best wedding dress. As each and every culture comes with the various norms, their dresses and makeup are also different. In Pakistan each and every bride wear the dresses, which are greatly embellished and embroidered with threads, beads, sequins and also other adornments.. In fact, this specific post will surely highlight the various kinds of Pakistani wedding dresses, which can be selected by you for your big day.

The beauty of Angarkhas

Though, there are ample amount of dresses available when it comes to Pakistani wedding. But a lot of Pakistani women prefer to wear the beautiful angarkhas. Basically this is one of the extremely gorgeous wedding dresses, which have gained a massive popularity over there.

This is the ideal dress for those women who are actually looking for something unique rather than lehngas. The best part about this dress is that this is extremely easier to carry and quite lightweight rather than lehngas. This is mainly styled like a kameez style and one can wear it on the wedding or even any other festival or celebration without even looking over the top.

In this dress, mainly kurta can be designed precisely according to the bride’s desires whereas the trouser is simple and plain but it can be customized too. One of the most common and simple style of Angrakhaa is a frock comes with the little slit in the center. But with this kind of dress, women mostly wear the tight trouser or the chooridar pyjamas that make them look even flowier. The latest Pakistani bridal collection would surely help you in choosing the best one.

There are a lot of fabrics in the outfit and whenever you are going to choose the best one, you will have to select that the suit matches the trouser. You can also customize the shape and colors and then you can also research the design as per your preference.

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    John miraa

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