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OCCUPY LOVE (2013) - Official Trailer

February 13, 2013 22:00 , von Unbekannt - 0no comments yet | Es folgt noch niemand diesem Artikel.
221 Mal angesehen:
GLOBAL LAUNCH BEGINS APRIL 11, 2013! HOST OR FIND A SCREENING IN YOUR TOWN - VISIT On facebook On Twitter @occupylovefilm #OccupyLove Join acclaimed director Velcrow Ripper on a journey deep inside the global revolution of the heart that is erupting around the planet. Humanity is waking up to the fact that the dominant system of power is failing to provide us with health, happiness or meaning. The resulting crisis has become the catalyst for a profound transformation: millions of people are deciding that enough is enough -- the time has come to create a new world, a world that works for all life. A feature documentary by Velcrow Ripper. Produced by Ian MacKenzie, Nova Ami and Velcrow Ripper. Executive producers: Betsy Carson, Catherine Tait and Gregg Hill. Music in this trailer by Zoe Keating, Bluetech and Liquid Stranger. A Community Funded Film produced in association with Superchannel and the Canada Media Fund. "What the film shows, triumphantly, is that love can unite as much as greed can divide." -- Vancouver International Film Festival The journey began with SCARED SACRED www.scaredsacredorg The spark ignited with FIERCE LIGHT The time is now to OCCUPY LOVE THE FIERCE LOVE TRILOGY ARRIVES!
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Time: 02:41 More in Film & Animation


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