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Magic mushroom microdosing: the health benefits of microdose psilocybin mushrooms

7 de Maio de 2021, 1:05 , por gael grant - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Whether you are an artist struggling with creative blocks, an athlete who wants to improve their performance and technique, or simply someone looking for natural alternatives to alleviate the symptoms People are increasingly turning to the new field of research of microdosing psilocybin mushrooms to treat depression. Psilocybin mushrooms commonly and aptly referred to as ...

Whether you are an artist struggling with creative blocks, an athlete who wants to improve their performance and technique, or simply someone looking for natural alternatives to alleviate the symptoms People are increasingly turning to the new field of research of microdosing psilocybin mushrooms to treat depression. Psilocybin mushrooms commonly and aptly referred to as "magic mushrooms," are naturally growing organic mushrooms that are psychoactive when consumed in large quantities. Like marijuana, psilocybin mushrooms are generally considered a drug and are mostly illegal in the United States. However, research and scientific studies now show that mushrooms can have profound medicinal applications.

Psilocybin and magic mushrooms: Effects and risks

Why microdosing with psilocybin mushrooms

Regular intake of large doses of psychedelic mushrooms may not be a viable long-term plan for most people. I mean, who has time to set aside several days in a row to have enlightening realizations about reality and the cosmos, much less one day? However, if you are in the category of people who have a regular job, have a family structure to maintain, or participate in any number of other activities and commitments to fill your day, stumbling on mushrooms can end up looking like a problem. pretty low priority. Therefore, microdosing is a good idea for people who want to have the expanding mind and therapeutic health benefits of magic mushrooms while still being able to do laundry.

According to recent research and studies, microdosing with psilocybin mushrooms may help with depression, anxiety, brain repair, and cell development. With a microdose of magic mushrooms, you can still operate all your basic functions of daily life. The effects can be so subtle that you may not even notice they are there. This "sub-perceptual" dose is enough to experience the myriad benefits penis envy mushrooms need to offer, but not enough to possess a "psychedelic" experience.

Athletes, those with cluster headaches, and people with anxiety or depression are among some of the types of people who can derive benefits from microdosing. Dr. James Fadiman, in his book The Psychedelic Explorers Guide, researched a variety of people using microdoses of LSD and psilocybin mushrooms. In an interview with Tim Ferris, he quotes Fadiman as saying that microdosing is an “enhancer of all the chakras, where everything is a little bit better. People behave better, they are happier, they are more tolerant; not necessarily more creative, but more in the flow, ”he told Ferris.

The healing benefits of psilocybin mushrooms

Despite mounting evidence to the contrary, mushrooms are often dismissed as having no therapeutic value. As a Schedule 1 drug, it is often assumed or imagined to be nothing more than your average hallucinogenic party drug. However, recently, researchers at New York University and John Hopkins conducted one of the largest sets of trials to study the therapeutic effects of psilocybin mushrooms in cancer patients. To the amazement and surprise of many, 80% of cancer patients showed significant reductions in psychological stress, anxiety, and depression for seven months or more after a single magic mushroom experience. In addition to the notable curative benefits, no other major side effects have been documented. That is, there were no observable downsides.

Until recently, in-depth studies on the beneficial health properties of psilocybin mushrooms were nil. As John Hopkins and others open the door, more studies and findings emerge to support the evidence for the positive healing benefits of mushrooms. The University of South Florida recently conducted research showing that fungi can grow new brain cells in mice and help them overcome fearful stimuli.

Evidence is also mounting that magic mushrooms can help alleviate severe depression. A study funded by the Medical Research Council and published in The Lancet showed that after administering mushrooms to 12 patients suffering from severe depression, all 12 participants saw their depression improved, with a sustained effect for up to three months after a single dose. Regular mushroom microdoses even claim that their sub-perceptual encounter with the fungus has helped alleviate cluster migraines, a painfully intense type of headache with few known natural therapies.

Where to get magic mushrooms for microdosing

Depending on where you are in the world, it may be illegal for you to get magic mushrooms. For more information on the legality of mushrooms in your country, check out our full article.

Several vendors offer magic truffles for sale over the Internet, which contain the same psychoactive ingredients as magic mushrooms, but can be legal in some areas. Microdose Bros is one of these providers: request them with the code "ENTHEO" with a 10% discount.

A good option may be to grow your mushrooms, which is legal in some places. Check out DoubleBlind's Mushroom Growing Course to help you grow mushrooms from scratch! Use the code "ENTHEO" for a 20% discount.

How to microdose with magic mushrooms

Microdosing is an art that can be difficult to get right. That being said, those with experience with psychedelics should have no trouble honing the craft to get the results they seek.

Dr. Fadiman suggests only microdosing if you have previous experience with psychedelics and start by taking 3/10 of a gram of dried psilocybe mushrooms once every three days. Taking two days off between microdoses gives you a chance to feel the benefits of the dose and helps your body avoid getting used to frequent dosing.


Since everyone's body will respond to and absorb fungi differently, it is important to reduce the size or increase the dosage based on your body's preferences. If things start to shine, you're taking too much. The high should be similar to the glow effect you normally feel after a regular large dose of psychedelics. A slight influence should be felt that could lead to feeling more focused, a little happier or less tired, with finer acuity, faster reaction times, or less social anxiety.

It is recommended to microdose with a clear intention and approach it very seriously. Keep a journal to keep track of changes in your perception; this will also help you know if you need to increase or decrease your dose. Ideally, you should be able to go about your normal life without noticing any perceptual effects; But at the end of the day, you may feel like you've been more productive, creative, or connected. Eating right, exercising, and participating in spiritual activities will almost certainly help increase the effectiveness of your microdose.


If you start to feel anxious or have trouble sleeping during a microdosing routine, stop for a few days and reduce the dose. Never microdose for more than a few weeks in a row, as the long-term effects of microdosing are unknown.

Remember that what works for one person may not work for another, and dive into your microdosing routine as something new and exciting that you can develop based on your personal needs. Happy microdosing!



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