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Top 4 Health Benefits of Magic Mushrooms

1 de Maio de 2021, 3:52 , por gael grant - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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It is the season in which many people eat our mushroom friends, beyond a fun moment, what are the benefits? As fall turns into winter, this is the season when many enthusiasts head to the wildest parts of the country and spend hours walking methodically staring at the ground. The object of his ...


It is the season in which many people eat our mushroom friends, beyond a fun moment, what are the benefits?

 As fall turns into winter, this is the season when many enthusiasts head to the wildest parts of the country and spend hours walking methodically staring at the ground. The object of his desire is the mysterious little ones we call Liberty Cap, the indigenous hallucinogen from the UK.

Magic mushrooms can be found all over the world, and most cultures have a long history and sacred relationship with them. for instance, there's evidence within the sort of stone paintings that the Saharan aboriginal tribes of North Africa may are using mushrooms around 9000 BC. Today in the UK, the magic mushroom hunting season has increased due to climate change from about 33 days of autumnal fruiting to over 70. Mushroom ecologist Professor Lynne Boddy says


Climate change has had a dramatic effect on the fruiting season, annually the beginning and end of the season are weather dependent, and that we can see that until the late 1970s it was largely constant. However, on average, the primary fruiting date now comes much earlier within the year than before, while the last fruiting comes later.


Some people seek them out simply for the pleasurable effects of post-consumption-induced euphoria. For others, they use the mushroom as a means of gaining spiritual insights and new insights. Anecdotal tales about the benefits of consuming magic mushrooms are now being funded and expanded by a recent research initiative, which is interesting. It turns out that witches, druids, pagans, and hippies were right - eating magic mushrooms is good for you.

4. Increased "openness" and other beneficial personality changes

Human beings are born open and filled with love, eager to: connect, learn and grow as sentient beings. Throughout our lives, experiences that can cause suffering to shut us down. Obvious examples include when our hearts are broken, we may be less open to future romantic encounters. People who have a series of negative events associated with aspects of their life can close to the detriment of future experiences.


This can sometimes protect us, but in many cases, we can shut down more than necessary and limit our life potential by shutting down new experiences and opportunities.

In these cases, psilocybin can help.


In a 2011 study, researchers found significant increases in Openness after a high-dose psilocybin session. Openness may be a psychological term for someone's attitude toward new experiences and is related to traits like imagination, creativity, and aesthetic appreciation. Not only did overall openness increase during a psilocybin session, but in nearly 60 percent of study participants, it remained significantly above baseline for quite 1 year after the session.

3. Stop smoking and other addictions

If you're stuck in unhealthy patterns in your life, psychedelics can help. Magic Mushrooms Canada  is shown to assist treat addiction to habit-forming drugs like cocaine and nicotine.

In 2008, Amanda Feilding of the Beckley Foundation began a collaboration with Johns Hopkins University on a pilot study investigating psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy to beat drug addiction. With the continued support of the Heffter Research Institute, ongoing research is making the case for psilocybin as an innovative treatment for substance use disorders.

2. Reduce depression

Psilocybin, the active ingredient in psychoactive mushrooms, has been used to construct the spiritual and cultural foundations of many ancient civilizations. The Aztecs mentioned teonanácatl, which translates to "divine mushroom," and modern neuroscience has revealed how psilocybin interacts with serotonin receptors within the brain to supply a spread of consciousness-altering effects.

1. Dissolve your ego and increase creativity.

Psychedelics in general and psilocybin specifically can enable states in which our conscious experience of the world is freed from its association with our specific ego, which can be revealed as an illusory construct. In a 2017 study, temporary ego loss might be beneficial within the right context. These wide-ranging, often life-altering encounters make us feel profoundly connected and alive. They also encourage creativity.

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