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Asan Cup – Buy Highest Quality Menstrual Cup Online

13 de Abril de 2022, 16:45 , por jacson alis - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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The Best. Period.
The highest quality menstrual cup with a unique removal ring.

Designed by experts.
The Asan menstrual cup is 100% made from medical grade silicone and features a unique pull-ring for easy removal.

1-for-1 donations.
For every menstrual cup you purchase, Asan donates one free to someone who cannot afford period products.

Join the sustainable revolution.
One Asan cup can avert the waste of more than 2,500 pads or tampons.

From the blog:

the best menstrual cup for beginners
The ultimate guide on choosing the best menstrual cup for beginners.

can i use a menstrual cup with an iud?
All your questions about IUDs and menstrual cups answered!

top 10 questions on menstrual cups
Your top 10 questions about menstrual cups, answered by experts.

About Asan:
Asan is a social venture with a mission to eradicate period poverty. Our innovative menstrual cup with a ring meets the world’s highest quality standards. Asan’s special menstrual cup cleanser makes it easy to clean your cup on-the-go. For every Asan cup you buy, we donate one for free to a person who can’t afford period care.

Explore about punch down fold - Designed by experts, the Asan cup is the highest quality menstrual cup and the easiest menstrual cup for beginners It is made from 100 medical grade silicone and has a ring for easy removal The Asan cup is reusable, sustainable and eco friendly For every cup you buy, Asan donates one to a person in need Shop now

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