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Best Real Estate Coach & Mentor | Philadelphia - Patrick Jeune

13 de Fevereiro de 2022, 13:40 , por jacson alis - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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​Patrick Jeune is a real estate coach and mentor reigning from Philadelphia, PA. He has been working in the real estate game for over 10 years and has compiled an impressive portfolio, with over 20 commercial and residential properties. Needless to say, he's an expert in the game, knowing it inside and out. Not only is he a notable Real Estate Mentor investor, but he's also an experienced real estate developer, turning nothing into something. So whether you’re looking to get started, or you’re a few years deep and looking for some guidance, Pat is more than happy to help.

Pat has been in your shoes before. He knows what it’s like to get started in one of the most competitive fields in the world. And he’s dedicated to helping you accomplish your goals, no matter how big or small.


Wholesaling Real Estate

If you’ve been thinking about getting into real estate investing but have been too intimidated by the idea of doing a big project like buying a house, then wholesaling might be just what you need.

Wholesaling is a technique that shares similarities with flipping houses - investing in real estate to resell quickly for profit - but with one fundamental difference: the investor doesn't buy the property first. Instead, they find a motivated seller who is looking for an immediate sale and negotiate an agreement where they'll purchase the home from them as soon as it's sold.

Fix and Flip

Fix and Flip is a process of buying an undervalued property with the intention to repair it up and sell it. This process is less about flipping and more about fixing. Sometimes these projects are short-term. Other times they may take several months or even years before the turnaround is complete. Essentially, Fix and Flip is a short-term real estate investment strategy.

Please Click here and visit our website for more details. Thank You

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