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Buy Bespoke Diamond & Gemstone Engagement Rings London

25 de Fevereiro de 2022, 16:43 , por jacson alis - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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We can help you to craft a custom engagement ring design for your special one. Our rings are uniquely designed and handcrafted with ethically-sourced diamonds. The fabulously beautiful story of life together begins with an engagement ring. This is a special decoration, the choice of which is important to approach with all responsibility because great love lives in its gentle outlines. Try to create a unique engagement ring design on our 3D jewellery configurator page and give yourself and your beloved one unforgettable impressions of the most important day of your life.


What girl does not dream of receiving the coveted ring from her chosen one? A marriage proposal cannot be imagined without a precious gift. But it was not always so. Let’s find out what the engagement ring is, how to choose it and why.

What Does The Engagement Ring Symbolise

Over time, the decoration began to be perceived as a guarantee of the groom’s serious intentions, as well as an indicator of his material well-being and ability to provide for his future wife. It is for this reason that only girls wear wedding rings .

Traditionally, a man gives a woman an engagement ring when he proposes marriage. He puts it on the 4th finger of her left hand (in some countries, jewellery is worn on the right hand), known as the “ring finger”.

Engagement Ring With Gem Looks Laconic and Elegant
Jewellery is usually adorned with gemstones. Engagement rings with diamonds are considered a classic option. The fact is that in the Middle Ages, special magical properties were attributed to the stone. It was believed that the hardest mineral in the world strengthens feelings, symbolizes eternal devotion and willingness to overcome any difficulties.

However, in the modern world, there is a wide selection of engagement ring options. You can choose jewellery with sapphire, ruby, emerald or combine several varieties of precious stones in one product.

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