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Digital Marketing Services | Utah | Remud LLC

8 de Fevereiro de 2022, 8:54 , por jacson alis - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Remud Digital Marketing is a full scale SEO and Utah digital marketing Agency. We pride ourselves on allowing clients to focus on their businesses by handling the complicated world of SEO, PPC, web analytics, tracking ROI, creating content, developing creative work and promoting their brands online. We work closely with amazing companies, large and small to create long term relationships built upon trust, expertise and making our client’s companies unique goals and visions,


It all starts with a discovery phone call.

We have to understand your business better so we start asking important questions. What are the business goals? What are the obstacles are we facing? What is the target audience, demographic etc? What have you tried in the past? What is the history of the business? With this intel, we can then see a clearer path to what needs to be done.

Via email we gather all applicable access needed to assess where the business is currently in its digital marketing efforts. This can include platforms such as analytics, ads, email, search console, tag manager, website access, and more.

We then build a strategic marketing plan covering all sides of your digital marketing efforts. We jump on another call we call the strategy call where we present the plan.
From that, we answer any questions that may arise to clarify the expectations, timelines and if our plan is approved, we launch it into action.

This is usually around the first week and by the end of the first month should have most of the strategy enabled and rolling.
Near the end of the first month, we typically send out an email to schedule a reporting meeting call. This is where we go over what has been done, implemented and measure the results thus far.

After that, we have month over month meeting calls to review performance and an end of year performance review.

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    jacson alis

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