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Encountering Hammerheads and Dolphins with Aggressor Red Sea 3 liveaboard in Egypt

17 de Janeiro de 2022, 17:47 , por jacson alis - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Discover my adventure diving Egypt’s deep South with Aggressors liveaboards.

I spent a week on the Aggressor 3 in the Red Sea and found Hammerhead sharks, Silky sharks, and dolphins. It is a varied itinerary with awesome diving. Read on for my review of the Aggressor Red Sea 3 and the best dive sites in South Egypt.

How to get to the Red Sea Aggressor in Port Ghaleb, Egypt?

The Red Sea Aggressor departs from Port Ghaleb, a marina located about 200 km south of Hurghada. The roads are quite good, and it took me three hours to drive it. The easiest way is to book a car with a driver. The Aggressor team can also organize it for you.

Review of boarding on the Aggressor Red Sea diving liveaboard

Boarding the Aggressor boat starts at 3 pm. I arrived at 6 pm, just in time for the boat briefing.

Upon arrival at Port Ghaleb Marina, a staff member was on the dock to welcome me and take care of my luggage. I was the last to board and was directly shown to my cabin. Within a few minutes, it was already briefing time, and all the guests gathered in the upper deck living room. Amazingly, within 10 minutes of boarding, all the staff knew me by name. It was an indication of the quality of service on the Aggressor 3. It is excellent and is what really makes this boat fabulous.

During the briefing, all the guests introduced each other–where they are from, their dive experience, and anything else they wanted to say. It was a nice way to break the ice and get to know the passengers we would share this trip with.

The emergency preparedness briefing was the most comprehensive I have seen on any liveaboards. We knew exactly what to do in case of fire or emergency.

There is no diving on boarding day. We were offered a glass of champagne, which added a bit to the festive spirit. I discovered that most of the passengers were Americans and had a very wide range of experience. Some had just gotten their open water, while others already had done a few hundred dives.

Covid procedure on the Aggressor review liveaboard in Egypt.

Aggressor 3 has put in place a series of measures to prevent the spread of Coronavirus.

All the guests need to have a negative PCR test result to enter Egypt and board the boat.

We were asked to sanitize our hands when we were picked up, and our temperature was taken upon boarding the boat. They would also take everyone’s temperature every morning during the first dive briefing. A few bottles of hand sanitizer were placed throughout the boat, and they served lunch and dinner at the table instead of using a buffet to avoid the spread of germs often associated with buffets.

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    jacson alis

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