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26 de Maio de 2022, 10:49 , por jacson alis - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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The correct use of Leweizhuang is to treat erectile dysfunction

Leweizhuang is an oral medication for erectile dysfunction; it works after 15 minutes, and under sexual stimulation, it can increase the blood supply to the penis so that the penis can easily and naturally erect. Note that the penis can only be erected vigorously after the effect of Leweizhuang and under sexual stimulation. In addition, Leweizhuang is a treatment for impotence and is ineffective for premature ejaculation. Many patients think that Leweizhuang has the effect of treating premature ejaculation, so they use drugs indiscriminately. The body is your own, you must control yourself, Leweizhuang can only be taken once a day, and the safe dose is 5mg-20mg, take Leweizhuang correctly, do not abuse it; erectile dysfunction (impotence) is a disease, please go to the hospital When receiving treatment, please do not use drugs without authorization; do not buy from unknown channels, so as to avoid the purchase price of Leweizhuang.


weizhuang taking time

Explore about 樂威壯藥局 - Leweizhuang is available in three different doses of 10mg, 5mg and 20mg. For the first use, it is recommended to take 5mg. If the patient is over 65 years old, or has severe liver or kidney disease, the initial dose should be used as directed by the physician, and then the optimal dose should be determined.

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