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How the Internet Changed Education – The Blog Chain

14 de Abril de 2022, 13:33 , por jacson alis - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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A defining characteristic of recent decades has been exponential technological growth, and at the core of what has happened is the internet. As computing power has exploded, while simultaneously becoming cheap and portable, the internet has connected us to to global networks, altering how we interact personally, and how industries operate. And education is no exception to that. Let’s take stock of how education has been changed by the internet, and then speculate as to how the latest technological frontiers will impact education in the coming years.


Connecting Through Social Media


There was a time when learning was more solitary, and the academic path could be lonely, with long hours spent in libraries alone, diving into texts. And, to be fair, that aspect of education still exists. You will still sometimes have to put in the time on your own, and hopefully you’re the kind of person who takes enjoyment from being in libraries.


Online Learning is Growing


Explore about Internet changes education One thing online innovation has been great for is in enabling flexibility. In all areas the internet touches, people come to enjoy greater personalization and convenience, and a sense that rigid structures need not be so constraining after all. This is obvious when it comes to, for example, online shopping or streaming movies. What we’re seeing now though, is the rise of remote work, and remote education.


What the Future Holds


There is a lot of talk recently of creating a metaverse, or multiple metaverses, although it’s not always clear exactly what this means. Essentially, it’s not actually that alien a concept, despite the sci-fi connotations. A metaverse really just refers to an immersive, virtual environment, in which people can move around and interact.


Achievements on the Blockchain


A metaverse would utilize blockchain technology, and a related use of such tech would be in keeping secure, easily accessible academic records. Blockchain technology can enable you to take full independent ownership of your personal data. At the moment, if you attend several different academic institutes, then your corresponding records will be kept internally at each one. With a blockchain ledger, though, that information can be all be kept in one place, is secure and resistant to fraud, and you personally are responsible for and have access to it.

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