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Labia Plasty - Labioplasty Vaginal Appearance Surgery

25 de Janeiro de 2022, 8:40 , por jacson alis - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Women have unique physiology especially when it comes to their sexual system. The entire pelvic region of a woman is indeed a very delicate part that must be carefully handled as it has a lot to do with human procreation. The labia are indeed major parts of the female organ which have a lot to do with the sexual life of women.

They also have lots of roles to play during and after childbirth. Oftentimes the labia may have one problem or the other but this could be arrested through a medical process known as Labiaplasty.

Indeed labiaplasty which is also known as "labioplasty" is a kind of plastic surgery meant for the labia seen in the female organ. The labia consist of the fold that surrounds the female genital organ. They are of two kinds namely the labia majora and the labia minora. These are the external folds of skin that surround the vulva of every woman.

Labiaplasty as a plastic surgery technique is performed for the following reasons:

1. The correction of the damage done to the labia during pregnancy and child birth. Usually when a woman delivers, the labia minora and labia majora usually become large. Normally they ought to go down after a while. However some women find their labia still large in unusual manner. With the help of labiaplasty such unusual largeness can be corrected.

2. Labiaplasty is also performed to reduce the size of either one or both sets of labia. If any of them is larger than normal sexual play may be hampered. Most women with large labia do experience serious pains during sexual intercourse.

3. Labiaplasty is now commonly used in rich countries as a form of cosmetic surgery (vaginal appearance surgery) and is mainly performed to improve the visual appearance of the vagina

Dr Wolny provides Pelvic Rejuvenation in Chicago, advanced pelvic surgery, DaVinci gynecologic surgeries, labiaplasty perineoplasty

Indeed labiaplasty is good especially when it's performed by a professional gynecologist or other medical expert in the field. On the other hand, the surgery could be very deadly when performed by a quack doctor. Hence, if you're a woman with such a case, you need to be very carefully with the clinic that performs the surgery on you.

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