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My Honest to Goodness Blog Income Report

5 de Janeiro de 2022, 3:15 , por jacson alis - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Hello, my name is Ethan Hawley, and I created How I Make Money Blogging to help set you free. The following is my blog income report from DAY 01.If you’re interested in learning more about how to make money blogging, please feel free to click here and read through this page to discover my personal insights and tips.

I wish you all the best in your blogging endeavors

*Day 01: My Blogging Road Map
*Daily Blog Income Report
*Sunday, January 02, 2022
*Day 05: Blogging Road Map Update


I’ve come to my first crossroad on my blogging map.

I guess you don’t know if a plan will work until you actually start doing it. And what I learned is that I don’t want to write for Newsbreak.

Also, I don’t want to write for Constant-Content.

Rather than lay all the details out, the biggest driver of my decision is that I have ZERO control of my longevity there.

Take Newsbreak, for example.

The publication has this stupid “3 strikes and your out deal.” Well, I got a strike for a misquote that was off by one word!

My goodness.

Why not send it back for a rewrite or refuse it altogether? But, instead, I got a strike which means I have one more chance. And, I don’t want to feel like I’m writing with a noose around my neck.

Overall, I’d prefer to work on my blog.

But, as I mentioned in my previous journal log, I don’t have that kind of luxury, and I prefer to see cash flow quickly.

Final Notes:

hy drop Medium from my plan?

Medium is a great place to start as a freelancer, but I think I’m past that. Long gone are the days when you could publish on Medium and earn hundreds or thousands of dollars a month. Are people doing it? Yes. But only a select, dedicated few.

Besides, there would be only “no-follow” juice coming from the post.

And, the best-case scenario for income after a few months would be maybe a grand per month. That’s a very, very big maybe.

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