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OKR vs KPI: Why You Need Both To Track Your Marketing

31 de Janeiro de 2022, 12:36 , por jacson alis - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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We could all agree that as a marketing manager, it’s pretty easy to assign a budget for a new marketing campaign. However, measuring its true impact on your business is far more difficult. By learning how to use an OKR vs KPI to analyze your marketing campaigns, you’ll be able to track your progress like a pro. This post will analyze the difference between OKRs vs KPIs and discuss how to merge them together.

For starters, OKR and KPI are two commonly used tools for measuring the performance of marketing campaigns, projects, or businesses. OKR stands for “objectives and key results” and KPI stands for “key performance indicators.”

These acronyms may appear to be similar, but they are actually very different. It’s almost like comparing apples and oranges. But before we dig into the specifics of OKRs and KPIs, we should learn about the roles that both of these play when setting goals and measuring performance.

The primary difference between KPIs and OKRs is their approach to measuring a project’s or organization’s performance. While OKRs outline goals that an organization wants to accomplish in the future, KPIs measure current or past performance.

OKRs are future-oriented goals that drive an organization forward. These are unique and bold objectives that companies create as part of their business strategy. An example could be “growing market share from 22% to 30% in 6 months.”

On the other hand, KPIs measure the performance of a project or company based on specific ratios or metrics such as “inventory turnover” and “return on investment.” This is a direct way to measure an individual component of a grander strategy or objective. For example, if you’re creating a SEO campaign okr vs kpi you could use KPIs such as “organic traffic,” “search rankings,” “search visibility,” or “bounce rate.”

Business Theory Of OKR Vs KPI
Referring to business theory, it’s appropriate to classify KPIs as results-oriented and OKRs as process-oriented.

The mentality of a process-oriented approach is that “a good process leads to good results in the long run.” Therefore, consistency of day-to-day operations is the emphasis of a process-oriented approach. For this reason, OKRs are long-term goals that motivate a company to improve how it manages its daily operations, focusing on efficiency.

If you want to know about like this visit website

*What Exactly Is An OKR?
*What Exactly Is A KPI?
*Pros And Cons: OKR Vs KPI
*Mixing OKRs And KPIs
*OKR Vs KPI: Summary

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