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oxygen compressor machine Supplier Shenyang Airoxy Equipments

2 de Fevereiro de 2022, 14:17 , por jacson alis - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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High pressure industrial oxygen compressor machine forces oxeygen gas in to a pressurized cylinder is called an oxygen compressor. Tanks of compressed oxygen are often used by medical patients, or in environments where oxygen levels are usually low, that raise the percentage of oxygen inhaled in each breath. A compressor is usually used for filling tanks. Shenyang Airoxy is a professional oil free oxygen compressor factory, welcome to contact us for prices and catalogs, will contact you asap!

A fully oil-free nitrogen booster is a reciprocating plug this product does not need to be added lubricating oil no pollution of pressurized nitrogen full sealing structure no leakage operation all bearing added imported special grease to ensure the product durable.

nitrogen booster compressorconsists of main engine motor instrument and electrical control elements.


When the compressor is working the motor drives the crankshaft to produce rotating motion through the triangle belt drive and the piston produces reciprocating motion through the connecting rod which causes the cylinder volume to change resulting in the increase of oxygen pressure in the cylinder nitrogen is injected into the buffer tank through the exhaust valve one-way valve and pipeline for use.

Nitrogen Air Compressor Applications

nitrogen air compressor are suitable for pressurization stabilization power and purging in process flow and also can provide stable gas source for power plant food industry pharmaceutical and experimental research units.

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    jacson alis

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